

I am here to bring you cuteness.

— Kik-dailydoseofcute Report User
Day 555 of your daily dose of cute: JUST DO IT
Day 554 of your daily dose of cute: What's happened, wow I need to get my cute mojo back
Day 552 of your daily dose of cute: To guilt or not to guilt
Day 551 of your daily dose of cute: Asparagus
Day 550 of your daily dose of cute: I sucknow at lifeeeee!
Day 545 of your daily dose of cute: Use better titles for more likes and shares
Day 542 of your daily dose of cute: Welcome to the tired club, I am your captain
Day 540 of your daily dose of cute: Partied too hard my dudes
Day 538 of your daily dose of cute: Ivery had 3 weeks to think of titles... yet...
Day 536 of your daily dose of cute: His eyes!!! Awww