

I want to share some cuteness with y'all. I have no idea what happened to the original DDOC but we need our fill of cute.

— dailydoseofcute2 Report User
Day 618 of your daily dose of cute: Ligers are huge!
Day 609 of your daily dose of cute: Norwegian forest poof
Day 601 of your daily dose of cute: The sleepy/hungry face
Day 599 of your daily dose of cute: Rub-a-dub ink 9 ducklings in the sink
Day 596 of your daily dose of cute: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Day 593 of your daily dose of cute: 3 more days!
Day 580 of your daily dose of cute: Anyone up for a cattpucino?
Day 579 of your daily dose of cute: Mary had a little lamb
Day 577 of your daily dose of cute: look at those eyes