

— Daisy-Bell Report User
I am Josh. 4 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Megan looks so young here!
Well deserved, also I would adopt that kid 27 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
They're probably learning English due to the English words in the background.
Team Rocket Wedding Vows 8 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Don't forget to feel sensation.
Genius 7 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
If only.
Can't have just one balloon, right? 9 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
"I love balloons!"
Sarah has some serious issues 6 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Well, scheiße 7 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Anne frankly, I can't stand it.
seriously. society needs to know this. 14 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Don't listen to the bad man.
Not your average coloring books 14 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Oh... I thought they were both just eating peanut butter together.
I like that boulder 4 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
What is happening here?
80,000 volts through a flower 9 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Taht isnt torture.
f*cking blueberries. 11 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Like humans. We are a variety of brown on the outside. Smashed, we are most likely red and when we are peeled of our skin we are pink.
You must be a merciful god for it 7 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
May I ask how?
I See What You Did There... 14 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
I think it's pretty adorable.
H̶͢e ͢c҉ó͝͞m̕es̕ 65 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Mine was a pokemon too! I don't remember which one it was though.
No thanks 10 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
It's actually pretty good and you could customize your character.
Can't tell if high, or super philosophic 3 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Did you find one?
Getting the ladies 8 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
He has 3 tamagotchis. That's amazing in itself.
Fandom 9 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Everything is being revealed!
It's Crayon Time! 8 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
I wouldn't ever use these crayons.
4 · Edited 10 years ago
The future is now 14 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Lyk if u cri evrtime
Dobby likes socks. 5 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Is this the whole story of the kid who kicked the ceiling in drama class?!?!
Throwing sticky tape at people who need to stick with the program 26 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
Throwing duct tape at people who need to get things together
Starbucks new size, extra tall 24 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
There's one in almost every street corner in Southern California. Go there.
Urine sample 3 comments
daisyflower · 10 years ago
There's a sharpie to the bottom right...