The truth hurts 8 comments
· 8 years ago
No. That's flawed thinking. Your vote for a person is a vote for that person, nobody else. If a major candidate can only win if the field is fixed by allowing only one other option, then it's the fault of the candidate, their party, and their platform. It's not the fault of a third candidate or its voters. Johnson/Stein supporters do so knowing that Trump may win if they do. The thing is, the major candidate who they make lose was never going to get their vote anyway. Here's the thing: most of us don't care. We hate both, both will screw us somehow, and we won't let the rest of the US bully us for our votes. We'll survive four years of one as well as the other and don't care who it is. Our vote isn't going to elect a third party, it's a show of electorate force to show the main parties they're losing America and need to stop screwing around. Saying our vote is wasted is saying a vote is a political move. And it is, you just don't understand the political move we're making.
Edited 8 years ago
this is awesome 72 comments
· 8 years ago
Transgenders have been using bathrooms pertaining to their gender for as long as transitioning has been a thing. There haven't been any cases of transgenders attacking/peeping women. It's just regular men, who are going to sneak into bathrooms no matter what the law and who aren't going to be stopped by it. Your reply makes it pretty clear you don't actually care about what happens to women, you just want to "stick it to 'em queers and weirdos."
Edited 8 years ago
this is awesome 72 comments
· 8 years ago
Given that we're more likely to be raped by guys we think are our friends than we are to have a "creeper" come into the ladies room, we'd really, really, really, REALLY appreciate it if men would start cracking down on the stuff that's ACTUALLY dangerous to us instead of ignoring it because it might mean admitting somebody who seems like a nice guy isn't.
this is awesome 72 comments
· 8 years ago
Nobody was bothering to pass laws to make it allowed until some states randomly started passing laws to make it not allowed. If they'd left it alone it wouldn't be an issue.
An IKEA in Germany has a "parking lot" for dogs, so they don't have to stay in the sun 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Sorry, I meant in the title of the post. That's how distressed I was at the omission, I couldn't even specify.
An IKEA in Germany has a "parking lot" for dogs, so they don't have to stay in the sun 9 comments
· 8 years ago
What a role model for young ladies 24 comments
· 8 years ago
OH yeah, she was snapped up by Hillary within half an hour of her resignation.
Edited 8 years ago
this is awesome 72 comments
· 8 years ago
Personally, I just want to know how you tell an employee one of their new duties is to check dudes going into the bathroom to make sure they have balls. "Jeremy, congratulations. To comply with law, you're the new penis inspector. No, there is no raise, and we can't make Kevin do it. It needs to be a straight dude or we'll face a sexual harrassment lawsuit."
What a role model for young ladies 24 comments
· 8 years ago
The primaries are held by parties to decide their presidential nominee. Democrats compete with each other and Republicans with each other, last man standing is the one who runs for president. For the source of what nightshadecat is talking about, just google Debbie Wasserman Schulz. She was head of the Democrat's primary process, and the recent email leak indicated top people there wanted Clinton to win and skewed the process in her favor, and showed the disdain the party had for Sanders and his supporters. Since only Republicans and Democrats ever get elected President, thanks to the process being skewed toward them, the primaries decide the only two likely options.
this is awesome 72 comments
· 8 years ago
I think the point of the ad is that you can't tell with a lot of trans people, and if one of those girls did go in the mens room there'd probably be a fit about that too.
Is that me? 12 comments
· 8 years ago
"A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything."
Which proves the statement 6 comments
I'm single, but this is my biggest dream! 31 comments
· 8 years ago
Independent doesn't mean alone or completely self sufficient, it just means you have your shit together and can step up is something happens and you're partner/spouse can't support. Plus, it tales a lot to run a house efficiently, and to take care of kids. Lots of independent women would be fine as homemakers. Lots of guys would do it well too.
Which proves the statement 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Sure they can, that's why they laugh at men! (insert "it's a joke" disclaimer here for all the sensitive neckbeard meninists)
Metric master race 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Yes, in America. Because it's the only country that matters in my statement, because I couldn't care less about countries I'm not in. You should get used to that now, being whiny about it won't change it.
eh... is it okay to starve this time? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
The only people who swear there's nothing better are the ones who refuse to try anything new, because change is scary and all the familiar, well known faces keep telling them so. Nevermind they've been lied to constantly. Change only happens when people are willing to say "this isn't working and these people need to go. It's not going to be easy, but if the people who invented cake when it didn't exist could do it, we can reinvent it with everything we know." Also, I'm out of cake metaphors. But I'm an American, and my founding fathers didn't do what they did so I could sit around and say "well, the two party system hasn't set us all on fire yet, so I guess won't bother to try."
Metric master race 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Okay, for the retards in the audience who don't understand references: we're not changing in America, get over it.
eh... is it okay to starve this time? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
The big cakes are nothing but empty calories either. They're also mass produced with cheap, shitty ingredients, and all the money you pay for them gets you nothing but a new cake with shittier ingredients next round. Usually with a price hike that goes to a few higher ups, leaving you paying for a falsely advertised product and getting next to nothing in return. Which you will complain about constantly instead of looking for a better bakery, because change is too hard.
eh... is it okay to starve this time? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Only if you're a fatty who doesn't believe in personal portion control.
Hats off to the lurkers 35 comments
eh... is it okay to starve this time? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
There's some mini cupcakes around that are more palatable, but they're not sold at all the major chains so you habe to go looking for them.
Wait till 2017 comes 24 comments
· 8 years ago
Nah, your jokes are just stale and no good. Quit blaming everyone else for you sucking, that is not the attitude of a winner.
Metric master race 18 comments
Think about it, the animals don't even have a say in it 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Because it's a natural human tendency to see one's own beliefs as "right" and anything that contradicts it as "wrong," and since so many (usually healthy) people would never take their own lives for any reason they believe there's no situation in which another person should be allowed to either. Most people believe if you want to take your own life there's something wrong with you, and you should be stopped at all costs because you're clearly not of sound mind (by their definition). It's how laws in general work.