Being obese is not a disability! 28 comments
· 8 years ago
The article is quoting the research wrong. The actual study has a paragraph that says: "More than 50% of the 671 million obese individuals in the world live in ten countries (listed in order of number of obese individuals): USA, China, India, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan, and Indonesia." Given that the top 10 countries by population are China, India, US, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Russia, and Mexico, of course many of those countries would have higher NUMBERS of obese. In proportion to the population though, there's a whole chart that shows plenty who should be higher. Jordan has 27.6% of men and 45.6 percent of women listed as obese. Kuwait is 43.4% of men, 58.6% of women, Libya 30.2% of men, 57.2% of women, Saudi Arabia 30.0% of men, 44.4% of women. All of those beat out the figures listed in that article for China (4.4%), India (3.8%), Brazil, Pakistan, Indonesia... the article's clickbait, look at the study.
I can't stop laughing 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Do you want a daughter who sneaks out and does things behind your back? Because that's how you get a daughter who sneaks out and does things behind your back.
Al Shehaby refused to shake his Israeli opponent's hand 12 comments
· 8 years ago
I said Israel and a few countries have hostilities, I guess I worded it badly as to who refused. It doesn't really matter though, the point is still the same. Athletes can and do make political statements and it's not new, and they get dealt with on a case by case basis.
Al Shehaby refused to shake his Israeli opponent's hand 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Israel and a few countries who have hostilities often refuse to shake hands for many reasons...protest, political, ideological. It is considered poor sportsmanship but it's handled case by case, by the governing bodies of each sport. They can be disqualified, sanctioned, or given a pass, depending on situations/officials. It's not terribly new.
Awwww... Internet friends are the best! 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Depending on what's wrong, it's safer for the patient. If the illness or a treatment for the illness has suppressed the immune system enough, which is possible for somebody deathly ill, having a bunch of germ toting 11-13 year olds visiting is not a good idea.
Being obese is not a disability! 28 comments
· 8 years ago
If you go by percentage of population, I think the US isn't in the top 10 most obese countries.
I can't wait for Autumn, when it will no longer be 103° at 10PM 24 comments
· 8 years ago
I just set this image as my phone lock screen because it makes me hopeful for an end to the horror of summer heat.
Feminist responds rationally to provided evidence. (A good thing) 17 comments
· 8 years ago
I could not imagine playing a sport surrounded by sand if I didn't have the option of wearing something I could easily shake the sand out of. The less fabric that can become sandpaper, the better.
Being obese is not a disability! 28 comments
· 8 years ago
If the parent got there and they were already there, I highly doubt they ever realized there was a kid behind them. And just because the poster says this was a family event doesn't mean it was, or that there was any reason for them to look behind them and see. The poster was complaining that fat people used the handicap accessible area. At no point does it say said parent ever attempted to politely ask if the kid would move up, they were apparently too busy taking pictures of strangers. Might they have said no? Maybe. But they weren't asked, therefore the right to complain was forfeited.
Being obese is not a disability! 28 comments
· 8 years ago
It is possible they're both disabled. Even if they rented the scooters at the venue that night, they could have valid disabilities...that is why those scooters are available, for the disabled who for whatever reason couldn't bring wheelchairs or who couldn't stand for extended periods at an event and needed them. Knee injuries, spinal injuries, and diseases that force somebody to sit for long periods will eventually lead to weight gain for many as they get older. Just because there exists somebody somewhere who's disabled and not fat, doesn't mean overweight+scooter=just fat. Know what else people can have that can make them heavy, let them walk for short periods, but still require a scooter? Diabetes, congestive heart failure, long term work related injuries, organ failure, Crohn's, cancers, etc. Seeing people walk for the trip from a car into a venue and to a scooter rental does not suddenly make someone their doctor or an expert in their medical history.
fememeism 25 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh yeah, this woman is messed up. After she reported it and her husband and the cops told her to see a psychiatrist, she went to a psychic. She said she senses the pokemon and that her dog barks every time she plays. I think she finally did get an appointment for a psych eval, but jeez. It's like something out of a Russian people of walmart.
Hehe 7 comments
Tumblr takes a seat 27 comments
· 8 years ago
You don't have to tell me, I live in a huge city and had to take public transport for ages. A lot of these guys were NOT just sitting this way to be comfortable either, they'd look you dead in the eye and not move even if you asked politely. Even the one in this post was being a jerk...he didn't move his hand until it became obvious a person was sitting down. Then even when a person was sitting next to him, he STILL didn't close his legs until the other person started opening theirs and forcing him to. Obviously there were some who moved as soon as they saw the train or bus was getting full, but they were the minority.
Tumblr takes a seat 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Don't sit like that on the busy subway or bus, period. When people are getting on, close your legs. Sitting like that is just as ignorant as putting your groceries and bags on the seats. If you're that uncomfortable and need to spread out, walk or go buy a car. You can't afford one and that's why you're riding the bus? Same with other people, and they didn't pay their fare to have to ask you to move so they can sit down.
The difference between specialties 6 comments
· 8 years ago
My degree is in liberal arts, and I do just fine. Never had a job where I didn't start at the bottom and get a raise and promotion each year. Unless you're explicitly going into engineering or a science, what your degree says doesn't matter. If you got no talent, skills, or a shitty temperament, it doesn't matter if your degree is made of gold. I keep trying to explain to Mr. "But I Have A Masters And I'm Going For A Doctorate" that there's a reason he's been stuck in accounting for 45 years and passed over for a CFO promotion twice, but he swears just waving that piece of paper with no real effort will eventually work.
One of nature's strangest looking plants 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Nice try, but I think we all know that's Sam and Frodo hiding under a cloak.
Russian architecture 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Were there any more of these posters? I've only ever seen these three, I always wondered if there were more.
For real though 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Everyone should be loved for who they are. I know plenty of sweet/funny fat dudes, they're all married or engaged to thinner women. One's wife is a total bitch though, he deserves way better.
America's Very First Serial Killer 24 comments
· 8 years ago
Cue all the people who normally complain nobody can take a joke crying because they can't take a joke.
Moving my desk, found my first ever accolade 7 comments
· 8 years ago
I did this. In my defense, I told them in my interview I had a vacation planned and paid for, and they gave me that week off without pay.
Valuable advice about writing 4 comments
· 8 years ago
400 words per page on 300 pages, that's a 120,000 word book. I can't even force myself to make my emails more than one sentence.
I wonder whenever I watch tv 28 comments
· 8 years ago
Shoes in my house. Actually, in 34 years I've never had a run in with a no-shoes house. That's kind of weird to me, I think if anybody wanted me to take off my shoes I'd probably get awkward and come up with an excuse to leave.
Edited 8 years ago
They were just angry that he didn't share 11 comments
· 8 years ago
They did do a field test. Unfortunately, the tests cops in the U.S. use are notoriously unreliable and repeatedly put people in jail for narcotics when there aren't any. In this case they tested it, threw the guy in jail for hours, then forwarded the crumbs to a lab. Which found that they were not narcotics. Same thing happened to a lady carrying homemade soap in her car.