99 Problems But A Child Ain't One 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Maybe they spend their money on nice restaurants and expensive vacations instead.
It can lead to health problems or a trauma if something leaks in the classroom 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Not to mention, if you tried to make a bathroom stop in those few minutes between classes and ended up getting to class late because you were trying to work around the class schedule, half the time you got bitched at even WORSE.
It can lead to health problems or a trauma if something leaks in the classroom 27 comments
· 8 years ago
My favorite was when girls had to use the restroom, and when they finally did get permission to go they'd get their stuff and the teacher would loudly ask "Why do you need your bag!?" Seriously? Because that's where girls keep their cotton vag sticks for God's sake, do they not teach that in teacher school?
This explains everything 63 comments
· 8 years ago
Trump has 40% voter support because he's running against Clinton. Maybe if the Democrats had put forward an actual candidate instead of a geriatric sack of lies and contempt then Trump wouldn't have 40% voter support.
swagy meme 15 28 comments
· 8 years ago
"I have never seen a well behaved man on a plane." Do you honestly, seriously, completely believe that's a factual statement and not a joking reply? Because if you do, I have a bridge to sell you.
swagy meme 15 28 comments
· 8 years ago
It's a person wearing a strap around his legs. A large majority of people who don't know what it's for would make a joke about it, because it's UNUSUAL. If anybody actually thinks she means it when she says "manspreader in recovery" and isn't making a wisecrack about sonething out of the ordinary, they spend too much time on the internet looking for things to have their feelings hurt about.
Upholding the law on airplanes 29 comments
· 8 years ago
They make patches and pads of a small enough size that they could fit in a galley during long flights, and the pads are as simple to clean as picking them up and putting them in the trash. Also, a trained military/police dog will stop somebody with a gun to the detriment of their own life, and can sniff out explosives and chemicals before they're put together into an actual explosive cocktail. Which is something that has to be done, because I don't know if you've noticed, but people don't generally get through security at airports with fully built bombs these days.
Why? 6 comments
· 8 years ago
I think the comparison is that you work, bring home a paycheck, and then spend it so aren'r rich. If you're a stay at home mom you clean, the kids ruin it, and so it doesn't stay clean. I've never seen a house thay had kids, even teenagers, that stayed clean more than a few hours.
Not all borders are the same 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, but Belgium and the Netherlands are like the size of Massachusetts and Connecticut. They're much smaller than, and much more culturally similar than, the US and Mexico. Of course their relations are different.
So much so that we'll still have enough food even if the whole world is greedy 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Distribution problems don't always amount to greed. It can often be precedural or a shit ton of red tape. For instance, some fast food restaurants have policies against donating leftover food to shelters or the homeless simply because laws can be interpreted to make them liable if it sits out there too long and somebody gets sick when they do eat it. World food distribution is the same thing on a larger scale. Laws in place to make sure people don't get sick tend to narrow distribution channels and make it very hard to move food to places it's needed. It has to go through certain procedures, and in the end the cost can outweigh the altruism. It's a castle of cards sometimes, tweaking one part affects another. If it was as simple as harvesting, packing it, and dropping it in a town in need then it would be happening.
what 4 comments
· 8 years ago
I saw that come up in my news feed and didn't even bother to read it. Even if he did follow only men on Twitter, who gives a shit? It's his feed to follow whoever he wants. It's Twitter for God's sake. There's some truly sexist shit out in the world, this ain't it.
iiiiiii wonder 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Pre-prepared things like this are usually for people with mobility issues, arthritis, arm/hand injuries, etc. who'd still like to eat an orange without having to ask somebody to peel it for them.
Early indicator 5 comments
· 8 years ago
I think they're supposed to be boyfriend and girlfriend, and when he came out with a "dad joke" the comic means that's an early indicator that he's becoming a dad. So she took a pregnancy test.
All lives matter 22 comments
· 8 years ago
It is relevant. The BLM movement is an international movement with no leadership--which you keep claiming they have--and no central demands. The BLM title has been applied liberally to pretty much anything and everything by the media, half of which BLM groups don't even claim. But you're willing to say "everyone who participates in a BLM chapter is racist/terrible" while simultaneously saying "but not everybody who flies this flag or uses this phrase is bad, it's just been given a bad name by some." Either something can be hijacked by a few and doesn't apply to the many, or once it's bad it's bad.
All lives matter 22 comments
· 8 years ago
That's exactly what some people are saying about the phrase "white pride" and the Confederate flag. But apparently when it comes to those it doesn't matter what it's meaning has become and the only important thing is what they're 'supposed' to be.
All lives matter 22 comments
· 8 years ago
You're grouping individuals in with the entirety. The white armed militia that took over in Oregan had outrageous demands and admired/encouraged the shooting/murder of elected officials and even cops. They received support from people all over the country, they weren't just mocked. But nobody goes on about how that means all white people who own guns want to burn down the government. As a movement (an international one) they do have some valid complaints, and the BLM umbrella is often the only banner large enough for smaller groups to get their complaints heard. There IS no BLM leadership, it has no leadership structure, there are only a few that are more well known than others. Their demands aren't the demands of the group as a whole, and one of the main tenets of BLM is nonviolent protest. Just like one of the tenet of the police force is to protect and serve. Some bad police officers don't do that, and some people in the BLM ignore the nonviolence request. They get denounced.
Michael Phelps or Usain Bolt? 41 comments
· 8 years ago
They're both great, you can't really compare their sports. That's like taking the world's greatest soldier and the world's greatest spy and asking which one is the greatest government employee.
All lives matter 22 comments
· 8 years ago
Black Lives Matter is just what the guest above said, "black lives matter too." The FOP is Friends Of Police, nobody on her is saying "But you should be supporting EVERYONE!" or pointing out the recent report on the Baltimore Police. They say "There are a few bad cops, not all are bad." Then turn around and say "There are hundreds of peaceful BLM rallies, but these handful were negative so ALL BLM ARE BAD." All these white mass shooters, but the rallying call is "these are disturbed individuals," not "ALL GUN OWNERS ARE BAD." See the theme here? As somebody once said, "If you have no problem with "Blue Lives Matter" but you have a problem with "Black Lives Matter" then maybe take a look at which word you have a problem with."
All lives matter 22 comments
· 8 years ago
"Where's all the noise about human health when it's cancer killing people? Why is this pharmaceutical company only focusing on HIV? All human health issues matter." That it what I hear when people whine about this.
Edited 8 years ago
Some of us really cant afford much 40 comments
· 8 years ago
Most women will accept a proposal even if there is no ring if they love the guy. And a lot of younger generation women don't even like diamonds anyway.
Shame on you, air conditioner! 14 comments
· 8 years ago
I wear jeans and a t-shirt to work and sit right by a window, I couldn't care less what our AC is set at.
Shame on you, air conditioner! 14 comments
· 8 years ago
This was a study on human resting basal body temperature that concluded women have a much lower resting temperature and so a higher comfortable ambient temperature. There was nothing in the study about air conditioning being sexist, just a notation that the average temperature programmed into most air conditioning units goes by a standard that was set before there were so many women in the workplace, and said that's why women complain about being cold in the office more than men. The "Sexist Air Conditioning" headline was just for rage clicks.