this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
This story just now also came up on my news feed. The guy says they did NOT attack him for being gay, that they were using homophobic slurs in general in their political argument with others. He also admitted he got very drunk and personally egged them on.
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
The difference is he jumped into an argument with the intent to make a point, whether he did it rudely or not. You can call people any names you want, but you don't back it up with "well your sources are stupid." You back it up with "listen up dipshits, here are sources that disprove what you're saying." This is the biggest problem contributing to Trump's election in the first place. Instead of liberals and progressives--of which I admit to be one--saying "Look, what you're reading has some issues, here's the other side, let's read then reconvene to call each other more informed insults" a lot of us threw up our hands and said "you're all hopeless and too stupid for me to deal with. Your shit is wrong and you just don't get it, you misogynist racists." So if you want to jump in, jump in with rebuttal sources before the insults, then add the insults after. "Because something I read somewhere says you're wrong" is a cop out.
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
As an edit: let me apologize for getting snippy toward the end there. Daylight Savings Time fucks my schedule and I'm crankier than usual, but I shouldn't take that out on you.
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
It's exactly what you broadcasted. There's two sides to a communication, what you say and how it sounds. Try going back over your "pathetic sources," "Idiocracy is past" and "whiny bitches from them1950s" comments until you figure out why what you said equates to "I'll refute your sources with none of my own and insult a bunch of people for not seeing my way." That is the exact attitude that made voters decide to burn down the house just to kill the mouse. If you don't understand written communication, don't do it. I suspect you're one of those 'educated' people.
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
Let me translate for funsubstance user: "I have no actual argument or backup for my opinion, so I'm going to play the You're Too Stupid To Understand card. Taking a look at the complex societal problems and understanding the Democratic party lost because it refused to heed warnings that the people were looking for a populist candidate and no longer willing to crown somebody just because "it was her turn" is too complicated for me. I choose to continue to denigrate half the population as whiny bitches insyead of heeding this warning, and when the next election comes and the people literally vote to institute the Purge because folks like me still have our fingers in our ears, I will be shocked again."
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
What does voting for the same person war hawks, bank deregulators, DOMA supporters, cop killers, and human rights criminals voted for say about Clinton supporters? Absolutely nothing, which is what voting for the person the KKK is voting for says about Trump supporters. Nothing. It's a false equivalency.
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
This story can be found at thepridela.com, and the guy who was attacked says he was at a bar where both Trump and Clinton supporters were getting heated. He goes on to say he doesn't think it was political, that the guys who did it were likely committing a hate crime and using Trump support as a cover, that they could have just as well been Clinton supporters. The guy's name is Chris Bell, I think. St
Make a cake like granny used to 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Same here, I just tried it last week! It was so good I didn't even put on frosting.
original tweeter is a verified acc known as MMFLINT. 9 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm not entirely sure why anyone would assume a woman had never done any of those things, apart from possibly living under a rock since birth.
I'm severely disabled 18 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, it's a change they made so all people are equally covered when it comes to fertility treatments. Now a single person wanting in vitro, when going by WHO standards, should be on equal footing with married couples when it comes to treatment and coverage.
This explains everything 63 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm not involved in this argument either way, but to be fair, I've been all over the internet for almost 20 years and I've never heard of "/s" for internet sarcasm, it just looked like a typo to me. If you use shorthand, even common, it's on you to be understood.
thank science 8 comments
· 8 years ago
I feel like I'm 17 again reading terrible Mary Sue stories on fanfiction.net and unable to stop.
And that's it! 34 comments
· 8 years ago
They're called "dialects." This is an English word, perhaps some people should learn it.
Be a man, do the right thing 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Alas, I decided a long time ago not to get married. I can get you a great crockpot recipe for hot caramel apple cider, though.
This explains everything 63 comments
· 8 years ago
I feel like the people who say "Hillary is obviously the better choice, you don't have to like her" have been paying more attention to the bullshit she says and not much to what she's actually been doing for decades.
But original ideas take effort! 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Everything is a remake or reboot these days, and Ghostbusters was old enough to be tossed in the reboot pile. It was an all female cast this time because the studio realized women also have entertainment dollars to spend and also like seeing themselves represented on screen. That's all. Everyone's cashing in on nostalgia, and women are asking for more non-romance movies involving women. The two demands just happened to collide on ghostbusters at just the right time for people who haven't watched a Ghostbusters movie in 20 years to feel like complaining.
con you die of cringe? cause with all of these I've been feeling physically cringing 24 comments
· 8 years ago
@sincere_milkshake I've only had it happen twice, both at times I was walking alone and both by strange guys twice my size, so to be honest in some cases it can be more frightening than anything.
Be a man, do the right thing 6 comments
· 8 years ago
I think I'd prefer if my man came to me and told me he was feeling tired and emotional. I would make hot apple cider and we could snuggle under quilts in a blanket fort with something funny on Netflix while we wait for our pizza delivery.
99 Problems But A Child Ain't One 7 comments
· 8 years ago
To make fun of people with stick figure families on their car. It's the same as the ones that have the stick people running from the guy with the chainsaw with the words "nobody cares about your stick figure family."
Oh boi 7 comments
· 8 years ago
While I agree that the guy complaining about a wagon in his yard is being an asshole, I queation whether the guy being texted continuously lets his kids leave their things in the neighbors yard/wreck other people's lawns enough to bring somebody to this point.
Aw hell naw mothaf*cka 9 comments
· 8 years ago
If there are still weapons in existence there may shortly be only one person left.
I'm laughing so hard 17 comments
· 8 years ago
She's still at a Trump rally hanging out and having a good time, sticking a non English word on her shirt does exactly nothing.