This is what our world has come to 35 comments
· 8 years ago
How does "housewife" translate to "consumer?" I saw a suggestion somewhere to replace "housewife" and "househusband" with "housespouse." I'm all in on that one.
Who the f*ck prioritizes a boyfriend over their own child?? 30 comments
· 8 years ago
There's a difference between an authority figure and a boyfriend. Saying a child isn't innocent in being kicked out of the house because she dared to disrespect an adult--who do not all deserve respect just for being older, and who most likely did not deserve respect to begin with given that this is a man a woman like this would choose to be with--is actively excusing the mother. You may as well say "Sure, it was wrong to rob the guy, but to be fair he had his wallet out in his hand instead of tucked away in his pocket so he was asking for it," because that's the same logic.
Who the f*ck prioritizes a boyfriend over their own child?? 30 comments
· 8 years ago
At 13, the girl is innocent. At 13, it doesn't matter if a kid is disrespectful. It isn't a kicking-out-worthy offense. At 13, if she's a trouble child it is the mother's duty to use the legal system to place her elsewhere. The mother is the guilty party here, period. She ditched her parental responsibility and her legal reaponsibility. She endangered a minor and is morally a criminal, if not legally.
Who the f*ck prioritizes a boyfriend over their own child?? 30 comments
· 8 years ago
It's one thing if a kid is 18+ or bordering on 18. At that point they're an adult and yeah, the "toe the line or get out" is sometimes questionable but permissable. Not at 13. At 13, you have a child you're legally responsible for, no matter what their behavior. You don't get to just kick out a minor because they don't get along with your bf. If things are that bad, you go through courts and transfer to foster care or a relative. If it's not terrible enough to be worth the trouble, you don't get to just ditch your responsibility because it's hard.
Edited 8 years ago
Oh, I see this happens everywhere 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Those drawers are for shoving all that crap you don't feel like putting away. Like under the bed, but for adults.
Stuffs I can barely afford mostly 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Look, I have 364 days to plan a daring, Mission:Impossible style heist. If I fail, I try again next year. Plus, big name stores likely would have physical security features like steel window barricades and bars over doors rather than shell out the cash to pay professional live security that would want "potential death" compensation. Capitalism makes this doable.
Stuffs I can barely afford mostly 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Right? Carts full at Sephora and Ulta, it'd still feel like getting away with murder.
How to know you've grown up 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Then maturity must not hit until the forties, because I'm in my thirties and I still flee up the stairs like a lil bitch.
Edited 8 years ago
"I said no parties" 7 comments
It's not too late to change 24 comments
· 8 years ago
Sedentary full time job paired with high food prices usually make for a poor diet of cheap, processed food and little time for exercise. Especially if a person has children to tend to or other responsibilities that take up their time and healthier, more time consuming meals are a chore. Little bad habits add up, lots of people gain lots of weight without being stay-at-home blobs doing nothing but eat.
If girls get 100 likes for pics like this, equality would let me get 100 likes too 24 comments
· 8 years ago
No, this is equality: Ew, shave or don't take pictures! Hairy legs are gross af!
You forgot one!... Uh, ok 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Some mother fish, called mouthbrooders, hide their babies in their mouths (risky yes, a few can and do get swallowed). That might be what's going on here.
Omigosh I'm poor 10 comments
· 8 years ago
And I think Joe Biden had two residences under secret service care, one of which they rented a cottage at and paid rent directly to him. Not to the tune of millions, but the secret service has its practices and sticks to them.
Edited 8 years ago
Theres only 36 kinds of snowflakes 56 comments
Who's stealing your job 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Of course not. Abdi the neurosurgeon probably went through the process of getting a visa, moving to the country legally, applying for permanent resident or citizenship status, and paying taxes on his own tax ID number. Abdi the neurosurgeon is the immigrant Kate isn't worried about. Kate without a degree is probably a little more worried about the unskilled person who crossed the border illegally, works low-skill labor under the table, can't get a driver's license and so may drive unlicensed and possibly uninsured, and doesn't have access to SSN-required healthcare and so may end up draining thousands of dollars from emergency care (life-saving emergency treatment is guaranteed in ERs, preventative care is not) if something bad happens to them. In reality, Kate doesn't have to worry about either because neither is actually taking her job, but Abdi the neurosurgeon should probably be a little pissed that he did everything right to get here and somebody else just walked across a border.
More people died from rejected white boys with weapons and toddlers than muslims in 14 yrs 197 comments
· 8 years ago
Not arguing any pros or cons about the travel ban, but there's like 50 Muslim-majority countries in the world and we're only banning people from 7 of them. That's a pretty shitty Muslim ban, since it doesn't effect 86% of Muslim-majority states. I mean, there's billions of practitioners of Islam, we're still letting most of them in.
Leave it to me to stir the pot 56 comments
· 8 years ago
There are 7 billion people in the world. If the majority of women felt that all straight white men were the devil, you wouldn't be around anymore.
Leave it to me to stir the pot 56 comments
· 8 years ago
Most of that is centered in ultrafeminist echo chambers and magnified because of the permeance of social media. Most women want their boyfriends anf husbands and brothers and sons to succeed as much as we want them to want us to succeed. Intersectional feminism is slowly taking over--the idea that you raise everyone up at once, that if you tackle race and religion and class problems everyone succeeds and it's good for women--and some of the old school feminists are pissed about it. The reality is that there are far fewer "FUCK THE PATRIARCHY" women and far more "can I please just do what I want and am capable of without being called Sweetie by coworkers and bothered on the street by strangers?" women. The former seem to be on liberal college campuses and haven't met all the real humans in the world yet.
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
I said Trump's not being sued in the Trump University cases, and he's not. His company is. In business law there's a difference. It's even likely that if he's just a witness he won't even be due in court, he'll do a call in or video testimony. The reason everyone assumes he's being sued personally is because he's arguing to have statements he made during the campaign kept out of the court proceedings because they're inflammatory.
Leave it to me to stir the pot 56 comments
· 8 years ago
Well, when you're being hired you don't have a performance yet. All you have are your credentials.
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
Trump's campaign made for a hostile work environment. All of the details to the cases are at the bottom. Six were bankruptcies, which are not criminal endeavors. A huge chunk (59) were settled out of court, as others have told you is the norm for companies. 23 had both sides withdraw, 23 had the plaintiff withdraw. Basically, a huge chunk never made it to court because they weren't criminal lawsuits. Also, of all those lawsuits from 2000, Trump's companies are actually Plaintiff in 64 of them. The major lawsuits right now are the Trump University, which were the ones my previous post referred to.
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
That link details lawsuits all the way back to 2000. Even it says that as of now, there are 27 of those pending. Of those, 12 are cases in which TRUMP'S companies are the plaintiffs. 10 are lawsuits against Trump's COMPANIES (Trump Nat'l Golf Club (2), Trump Entrepreneur Int'l (1), Trump Ruffin Tower (1), Trump Briarclift Manor Devel. (1), Trump Resorts (2), Bayrock/Sapir Org. (1), Trump Org. LLC (1)). Two are class action lawsuits regarding Trump University. There are only three that are aimed at Trump himself: One is a man who bought trumpstates.com as a domain name with intent to sell, but lost rights to it when Trump sued him with the World Intellectual Property Court for using his name, which at that time had officially become a brand. He's now suing Trump for $84 mil because he got told not to use the guy's name. One is a protester who got beaten up at a rally and claims it was Trump's security that did it. One is a Republican political strategist suing because she said
this is so sad y'all 136 comments
· 8 years ago
I just want to throw in here for both of you that Trump isn't being sued. His companies are being sued, and his having ownership makes him a witness in a case over whether his COMPANIES will have to pay out. That's why people incorporate or become partnerships instead of sole props, in business law it means you're not solely responsible because there are so many other hands in the pot. It's also going to court because Trump's companies wouldn't settle out of court:
"Burns cautions that there’s a crucial difference between the case Clinton dealt with and the ones confronting Trump: Clinton was sued personally, whereas Trump’s cases concern disputes with businesses that he is or was involved with. “Those matters will continue to progress and make their way through the legal process, but those matters aren’t aimed at Donald Trump personally,” Burns says. " (The Clinton in question here is Bill, not Hillary, btw)
"Burns cautions that there’s a crucial difference between the case Clinton dealt with and the ones confronting Trump: Clinton was sued personally, whereas Trump’s cases concern disputes with businesses that he is or was involved with. “Those matters will continue to progress and make their way through the legal process, but those matters aren’t aimed at Donald Trump personally,” Burns says. " (The Clinton in question here is Bill, not Hillary, btw)
Leave it to me to stir the pot 56 comments
· 8 years ago
Equality isn't about men and women being the same, this is a terrible argument. It's about equal opportunity. Equality means that if you hire a man and a woman with equal credentials, you pay them the same. It means you give both a new father and mother leave to bond with their new baby if they need it, and you let both parents return to work after without penalty. It means that if a woman is physically capable of a job, even if the bar is high and a lot of other women aren't, you let her do the job. It means if a man is the stay at home parent in a family, he gets the same respect as a woman and you don't berate him and put him down. It means you accept that as our world becomes more and more automated, physical differences become less of an issue, and that you accept that men and women can both sometimes be fragile without one being told he's not masculine enough and the other being told she's overemotional. Equality is equal opportunity to try.