Anyone else considering becoming gay? 5 comments
· 7 years ago
If you're bouncing around that fast, you're not getting friend-zoned. You're getting quick-girls-spread-the-word-about-this-willfuckanything-creep-zoned.
They said it. They actually said it 47 comments
· 7 years ago
Or, oooooor, oRrR....we could start putting some of that tax money into places that are less densely populated, build them up a bit, and encourage all the people crammed into the teeny-tiny major cities to move OUTWARD, where they can establish more green space, pedestrian-only areas, and healthier living spaces. You know, get more jobs outside of cities, give lower-income people actual options to get to places with lower living expenses. Spread people out in general, stop confining so many people into one place for lack of opportunity anywhere else. It's a little harder to go careening down a street murdering people with a car when there are fewer people on it and it's more spaced out.
They said it. They actually said it 47 comments
· 7 years ago
What Iblazel said. Besides, do you know how difficult it is to make any more car-less space in a city? Densely packed cities are already building up because they don't have the space to build out, and all of those people have cars because a lot of them do need them...for work, to tote around kids, to do shopping. You can't just say 'hey, all you people on this block here, no more cars in this area.'
I'm so normal 12 comments
We wouldn't even know if this were the case 20 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, but I don't think we'd understand it as real color...just as temperature variations on a scale. If we couldn't see color, we'd only know it by a numerical value of some sort. Just like we can't see ultraviolet and infrared, and so only understand them as heat signatures or number values.
This level of skill never ceases to amaze me 5 comments
· 7 years ago
That's what they want you to think. Mark my words, these are Medusa's handiwork.
It's scary to think that we could be that guy and wouldn't know 17 comments
· 7 years ago
You know, there really are weirdos out there who literally do pay to be treated like this. I've seen things about it on TV and read articles about it...I don't even have words for how weird it is.
It's okay if you don't upvote. It's a very unpopular opinion 8 comments
· 7 years ago
I think social media does a service. Before, you couldn't tell who the idiots were without meeting them and talking to them for a while. Now you can just browse a Facebook feed and be like "Yup, he's a fucking Nazi." The ones it gives a platform already had a platform; they started out having meetings then upgraded to printing pamphlets then moved to broadcast radio, then became respected talking heads on cable TV long before social media showed up. Social media is interactive though. Used to be I had to write a letter to a personality's PO Box to call them a fuckstick, now I can just leave a comment.
Rules for who should cook in the relationship 12 comments
· 7 years ago
If you live there, household chores are half your job. You both cook, you both clean, you both fix things when they break, you both do shopping, you both take care of the kids/pets if there are any. Unless you've made a deal that one of you is the house-spouse, you're a damn grown up, figure out how the stove works.
That's the best idea 4 comments
· 7 years ago
But don't share them with anyone else, and delete your copies once you have your victory.
Is this real? 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh, pay your damn fine and buy a seatbelt extender, freaking drama queen.
727 years 18 comments
· 7 years ago
At least these are NICE uniforms. US schools are like "Here's some khaki shorts that don't look good on anybody, and everybody has to wear a yellow shirt. Also, the shirt has to be tucked in and you need a belt. And knee-high socks. Fuck you."
How white people smile 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, a lot of us who do that have resting bitch face. It's pretty much the only "I'm acknowledging your presence but don't intend to speak to you if I can help it" face we can manage without looking like a serial killer contemplating peeling off your skin. Sorry about that.
Man cuts up girlfriend's heels after they caused her to crash 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Though, I should probably also point put that in a lot of states I could legally walk away from that car and pay nothing. Insurance covers 'permissive use' and if he lets me use it I'm not legally responsible for damage in an accident...his insurance is because he chose to lend the car. Insurance follows the car, he would have to file a claim against his own insurance. So whether I chose to pay because I did damage or not, he was legally in the wrong when he intentionally wrecked my stuff. So yes, he is just as screwed as me if he decides to sue.
Man cuts up girlfriend's heels after they caused her to crash 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Heels are expensive depending on the ones you get, and believe me, he would be paying for them. If he has insurance and I'm already going to pay for the car--which, depending on the state and insurance laws he might not even be allowed to make me pay for the car if it's no fault--he has no right to destroy anything of mine and I'm going to retaliate. Believe me, the cost of game consoles can easily be matched by my shoe prices, in the case of judgements (and he'd be guilty as hell and have to pay as well) it would be a wash and I'd owe nothing.
Man cuts up girlfriend's heels after they caused her to crash 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Sorry, but this guy just sounds creepy. Like he's talking about his teen daughter and not another adult. Doesn't matter what she SAID happened, you have her pay for the damage and end of story. If I wear heels and have a fender bender, I pay for the damage and I learn my own lesson. Cut up anything I own in retribution and see how fast we're in court because I set all your electronics on fire. I mean, fair is fair.
Me and girl basically 3 comments
Me in a nutshell 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, I didn't get it either. The last panel looks like the "waah" is coming from the sink and she's weirded out by that.
I wish I could meet a guy like you 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Well, then too, lots of people will still give somebody they care about a shot even if they're not what they might define as attractive. The more you get to know a person, and the more you care, the more attractive they become. If you don't find them physically attractive, the underlying cause is most likely because you don't have chemistry and they're not romantically attractive...the 'physical' part rarely comes alone. I don't really think anybody has ever looked at somebody they knew and went "You know what? I adore you so, so much, you're my dream man in every way, there's that spark and there's chemistry...but you're not my usual definition of attractive."
Maths 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I just saw the article on this. It was a trick question a teacher put into a worksheet to see if her kids were paying attention.
I wish I could meet a guy like you 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Or who she feels good chemistry with, or has romantic feelings for, or is attracted to on multiple levels. Sorry, "but I'm nice and want a chance" doesn't fly if a person doesn't feel drawn to you. Lots of people, male and female, feel like they 'deserve' a shot at somebody, but what it comes down to is that the person you're after is the one who makes that choice for themselves. You may just not be an option, time to move on.
Need advice 29 comments
· 7 years ago
In guest's world, arranged marriages the guys have nothing to do with, cultures with matchmakers, and any historical woman of stature who chose her own lovers does not exist. There's probably also anger from a history of being told to leave people alone when demanding phone numbers and at least one instance of them saying "m'lady."
Need advice 29 comments
· 7 years ago
Tip: there's a 99% chance the girl you think is pretty wants you to leave her alone. Women smile in greeting mostly out of politeness and to acknowledge your existence, not as an invitation. Unless you see her giving you a second look, you're bothering her. Believe me, if she's interested you'll get more than a smile. If you're not in a club and you don't get more than a single acknowledgement, leave her be and let her get her shit done in peace.