Ol Musky at it again 9 comments
· 7 years ago
No, but it can get hot enough to kill living things on anything entering the atmosphere, because it can get hot enough to cause plenty of damage. That's why deployed Mars missions have heat shields. At this point, I don't think anything Musk puts there will do much more damage than Mars 2, that hit the surface in the early '70s and I'm thinking SpaceX has at least as much sterile tech as the '70s had.
Ol Musky at it again 9 comments
· 7 years ago
The destination is non-landing Mars orbit. If the orbit fails and it heads for the surface, it will likely burn up before impact. Just like the probe we recently crashed into Saturn (I think?) to burn on entry and avoid contamination.
Trans kicked out of uber, lies about it 8 comments
· 7 years ago
The car is the Uber driver's property, and an Uber ride is a business transaction. When in another person's property, you observe the rules of that property, and during a business transaction you act like it's a business transaction. Given that the screencap shows that the passenger is prone to whipping out said dick in the middle of traffic, I'd side with the driver on this one and believe the driver asked her to stop and she didn't. If you're in somebody else's car and they ask you not to do something, you don't do it. If it did go down the way the driver said, this is sexual harassment of the driver regardless of the driver's sex. If the passenger couldn't respect the driver in this instance, then she deserves to get kicked out of the car.
Kids aren't old enough for some things 24 comments
· 7 years ago
Depends on the study, like with any medication. But, if there's something out there that does temporarily block puberty and can be reversed if a mind is changed, I don't see the issue. Gives the kid time to mentally mature and figure it out, and decide when they aren't 9 anymore. Honestly, I think people would still complain even if there was a perfectly safe, perfectly reversible solution, just because there are too many "I'm Offended"s out there care more about controlling other people's lives than they care about the actual people.
Kids aren't old enough for some things 24 comments
· 7 years ago
Do they allow surgery that young? I know they work with hormone blockers, which I think are reversible, but even most adult trans people don't have surgery because of cost and complications. I doubt surgery on a kid is common, if it happens at all.
The ultimate chris 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I think most people have a hard time telling people of other races apart initially, and there's a biological reason. I'm probably mixing up body parts here, but the basic thought is this: white people instinctively look to the eyes, because the eyes show the greatest variety among white people. Black people look to the nose, because noses show greater variety in black people. Asian people look to the mouth, because mouths differ more amongst Asians. A black person looking to an Asian's nose area, which doesn't have as much variety, gets confused. A white person looking to a black person's eyes, which are majority brown, gets confused. An asian looking to a white mouth, which mostly tend toward similar thin lips, gets confused. Once the right pattern recognition gets subconsciously learned, they begin to tell members of other races apart more easily.
Hmmm... 16 comments
· 7 years ago
I apologize, I should have been clearer. I was referring to the "barely speak spanish" part of the image. I should have said an average English speaker can learn basic Spanish much easier than most immigrants can learn English.
Hmmm... 16 comments
· 7 years ago
This post is referring to immigrants who DO speak English but aren't perfectly fluent speakers, who get shit on for "sounding funny" or not making as much sense as a native speaker. English is a bitch to learn, more so than Romance languages. If you can't speak another language at all, do NOT be a dick to somebody who's clearly speaking your native language just because they have an accent heavier than you would like or they're not completely clear.
Awkward to say the least 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Example #73920 of "mind your own damn business about any personal life choices that won't affect the rest of the world."
The kitty has been traumatised 10 comments
· 7 years ago
I keep seeing things online about washing cats. I've had cats in my house for all three decades of my life and I can count on one hand how many times I remember situations requiring me to wash them. Are cat baths really this common?
Shrek is love, Shrek is life 3 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm neither here nor there on the prank but holy crap, that's one hell of an attention span to sit there and cut out all of these.
Online vs. Real life 5 comments
· 7 years ago
It doesn't even let you get a good look at her irl face. From what I cam see though she looks fine. Pretty sure no reasonable person is going to think her lips are really the color in the pic.
Pizza again?? Mom, you're the worst! 24 comments
· 7 years ago
At that age those kids should be able to at least make boxed mac and cheese or spaghetti. Pull your weight in the house, you little cretins. Haven't you seen Shameless?
I’ll just leave this here 13 comments
· 7 years ago
You could read it either way, I'm just assuming the downvotes came from that reason (I didn't downvote so I probably shouldn't assume, it just seems the most likely answer).
I’ll just leave this here 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Probably because we said "the military is a highly respectable institution and this pilot should know better" and you said "watch me use this to insult amazing people like Terry Crews, Mark Ruffalo, and Sir Patrick Stewart by implying anyone who identifies as feminist is trash." Phrasing matters, dude.
I’ll just leave this here 13 comments
· 7 years ago
He''s Navy and our armed forces are held to a higher standard than the common folk. Drawing a dick in the locker room is one thing, skywriting "tee hee, a huge amount of your taxes go to immature 13-year-olds" for all the world to see is kind of frowned upon. Also...are you talking about the march in pink "pussy hats?" Because those were cat ears.
Brain teaser level 100 21 comments
· 7 years ago
If you write it as [(7(] + [3))] + [9] (with brackets signifying the boxes) you're right though. That translates to (7(+3))+9, which is 7 times positive 3 (21), plus 9 (30). It gives you the multiplication using only the symbols provided.
Based dad jr 27 comments
· 7 years ago
First, she begged that candy off strangers instead of getting a job and buying her own. Second, if you want to teach her something non-rich kids learn early, take at least 1/3 of it and donate it to the local police and fire stations, send some of it to the state representatives, some to the city representatives, etc. And every piece she eats, make sure you take away 1/10 of it (depending on the sales/use taxes in the area). If she decides to share any, make sure you take the appropriate gift tax percentage. Make sure you also take some as the tax for owning a candy bucket to keep it in, take some any time she gets sticky and needs to use water to wash her hands, and any time she eats any with the lights on. And all of that is just as fucking stupid as the initial socialism comment.
Ladies pick your man 9 comments
· 7 years ago
If all I have to offer in this deal is $15, I get what I can pay for. I'll come back later, after I've earned enough personal capital for the higher tiers.
Edited 7 years ago
True 18 comments
· 7 years ago
@this_isntme Oh, silly me! I didn't know that when looking for historical examples of modern issues to illustrate that a problem is persistent and pervasive we weren't allowed to go earlier than 2000! Thank you for illustrating another problem: that dumb fucks on the internet will always stick their noses in to comment whether they understand where the conversation is going or not! Go learn some reading comprehension. I know it was a long time ago, fuckstick, I was pointing out that it's common for people to be 'racist' against groups considered their own skin color and has been for a long time.
True 18 comments
· 7 years ago
I think for a while there Italians weren't considered 'white' in southern Jim Crow America. Legally they were, but socially they were ostracised for behavior rather than color. People will find a lot of reasons to draw lines.
Gun control in Japan 71 comments
· 7 years ago
@f_kyeahhamburg But that's exactly the point. Sheer NUMBER of guns is a false correlation you all love to throw around. What you all are so careful to omit about US guns is that a) a full 50% of the gun total is in the hands of 3% of the population and b) 18% of gun ownership is for hunting (that's right, people still hunt food in the US, or are sport hunters with their guns locked up the rest of the time). Despite the numbers, only 39% of US households are thought to have any guns at all, and gun ownership in the US in 2016 was estimated to be at a 40 year low. Guns are NOT as pervasive as your cherry-picked newscasts would have you believe, and the numbers are not the problem.
Gun control in Japan 71 comments
· 7 years ago
Guns per 100 people in US: 112. Gun deaths per 100k people: 10.4 (2014)
Guns per 100 people in Brazil: 8. Gun deaths per 100k people: 21.2 (2014)
Guns per 100 people in Serbia: 75. Gun deaths per 100k people: 3.49 (2011)
Guns per 100 people in El Salvador: 6. Gun deaths per 100k people: 45.6 (2011)
Wow. It's...it's almost like the number of guns alone is no direct indicator of number of gun deaths. As if things like environment, culture, mental health and economic factors mix with human nature in different ways in different places.
Now, my info is just quickly pulled off Wikipedia and I haven't had a chance to fully verify, but I'm pretty sure I pulled it out of my ass just as effectively as OP pulled this pic out of theirs.
Guns per 100 people in Brazil: 8. Gun deaths per 100k people: 21.2 (2014)
Guns per 100 people in Serbia: 75. Gun deaths per 100k people: 3.49 (2011)
Guns per 100 people in El Salvador: 6. Gun deaths per 100k people: 45.6 (2011)
Wow. It's...it's almost like the number of guns alone is no direct indicator of number of gun deaths. As if things like environment, culture, mental health and economic factors mix with human nature in different ways in different places.
Now, my info is just quickly pulled off Wikipedia and I haven't had a chance to fully verify, but I'm pretty sure I pulled it out of my ass just as effectively as OP pulled this pic out of theirs.
Benefit of being ugly 10 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't know what kind of karma you've got, but I've met some pretty huge assholes and people with mental disorders and even they'd never do that to a stranger. So either OP is fishing for attention and it never happened or he's literally Hitler reincarnated.
Tiffany & co. Releases 'everyday objects' line that includes $9,000 ball 11 comments
· 7 years ago
It's the Tiffany version of Pier 1 shit. It's not even weird...the only reason it's making news is that a place known for jewelry is now making housewares. You can probably find ridiculously priced versions of everyday objects from plenty of other places that you just never heard of because it's not Tiffany.