
A much deeper and clever perspective. 5 comments
· 7 years ago
It could probably be both. MPD would be one person having multiple personalities that take over. Schizophrenia is sometimes characterized by auditory hallucinations, so one personality hearing loud voices without being completely taken over could be that.
Anon tries being friendly 7 comments
· 7 years ago
The trick is to stick to one or two words and don't stop walking. "Hello" or "good morning" with a slight nod. Don't slow down. Don't wait for an answer, they'll likely just murmur a response as they pass. Try not to look them in the eye. For God's sake, don't look them in the eye.
He should be rewarded 75 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, no. If you have a knack for tracking those people down, you should've gone into law enforcement and helped make sure they spent years of their own personal Hell behind bars. Now you've killed barely a handful and you're in jail, when you could've eventually worked to retirement age and taken hundreds off the streets.
Or Xopher instead of Christopher and Xian instead of Christian? 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Per the title: Yes, because "X" is the Greek letter "Chi", which is the first letter of the Greek "christos," because "Christ" isn't an English word. Jesus' whole name is Greek, Jesus Christ means "Joshua, the Anointed One." "X" is short for "Χριστός" but you can certainly write "Χριστόpher" and shorten it to Xopher if you really want to. It's the nature of language to shorten things as much as possible as long as it's understandable. You can shorten Christopher to "Xφ" (Chi-phi) if you really want to, lots of people write their signatures in some kind of shorthand.
Proof is in the audience 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Chivalry is a knight's code of conduct. It's not dead, it's alive and in display by actual knights (official or ceremonial) like Patrick Stewart, Paul McCartney, Ian McKellen, Sidney Poitier, ...98% of people why say "women are the reason chivalry is dead" have never been on a level to qualify as Chivalrous anyway.
Perspective...Find a new one 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Your point is exactly my point. The differences were created by people and aren't necessarily there, even if they're perceived to be. Even what attracts a man to a woman and vice versa, such as smells and looks, can differ wildly among locales and cultures and can't be considered a universal difference, and can and do differ greatly in a single group of men or women from the same place. And that aside, differences for mating purposes don't automatically translate to differences in general species population. I already pointed out women have babies. Men and women being sexually attracted to each other doesn't constitute enough difference to justify what people TRY to use it to justify, such as this "stop saying everyone is equal" stuff.
Perspective...Find a new one 26 comments
· 7 years ago
There's no anger, it's just facts. There's really not that much difference, even in thought processes. It's been found that the brains of two men will differ more than the net differences of the brains of men and women in general. The same with the physical differences, and even hormone levels. There's such a vast range of physical characteristics within each gender--not to mention from locale to locale--that to say "men are unique because" or "women are unique because" is mostly wishful thinking. The differences that are there trend to be on a lower level, such as resistance to medications or immune system differences.
Perspective...Find a new one 26 comments
· 7 years ago
Women weren't created. Women evolved. Women are homo sapiens, and the only thing they can do that a man homo sapien can't is pop out a baby, and any biological necessities that go along with it. Anything "unique" was constructed along with civilization, since before that most homo sapiens pretty much did the same jobs. And don't give me the "hunter/gatherer" paradigm either, because those roles came from developing family bands and the first stages of an organized culture. As basic animals, strip away the technology and the created economies and drop them back in the plains, human beings are basically all the same and nobody is special or unique.
You posers, I live in MN 8 comments
· 7 years ago
I am so, so sorry for you guys. I'm in southern PA and it's awful, you must be dying over there.
Flame on! 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Grades don't matter though. Somebody who nearly flunks out of college can still end up on the corporate ladder thanks to their dad's friends while a 3.5 graduate can still end up working the front desk of the building while struggling to make contacts. Besides, I've worked a few min wage retail jobs next to very smart people with degrees in finance and biology. Customer service is a very stressful job sometimes, but it's not demeaning, beneath a person, or an intrinsically BAD job. A huge percentage of people have worked in fast food at some point in their lives, and not as teenagers.
How Germany treats the victims of Muslim terror 57 comments
· 7 years ago
@asteroid Nah. Westerners support freedom of choice. What happens is, hardliners (like you) conflate freedom of choice with support for something you don't like. I don't care if a woman wears a hijab. I don't care if a woman doesn't wear a hijab. I care that she leaves me alone while she does whatever she wants with her life. Here's the problem: you're taking the example of a Muslim country--many of which are backward socially and culturally, not strictly because they're OMGMUSLIM--and trying to tell me that every Muslim in the world is just as terrible as your country. Your country is your problem, I'm not going to suspect my Muslim coworker of plotting my death because your majority Muslim country happens to suck. It sucks because of the culture, not strictly because of the religion. The religion is just being used by people in power to reinforce the shitty culture that benefits them. Welcome to World History 101: people in absolute power use religion to control the masses.
How Germany treats the victims of Muslim terror 57 comments
· 7 years ago
@sir_spiderman There are hundreds of branches of Christianity, most of whom hate each other and most of whom use different parts of the Bible. The Bible is not actually a requirement for being a Christian, it's a holy book most use. A Christian is one who follows Christ as the son of God and savior. About 3/4 of Americans identify as some kind of Christian faith, if they were really trying to "poison" the rest of us as a group they pretty much would have done it by now since they're in a vast majority. What you're talking about is your anecdotal run-ins with fundamental Christians, who aren't the majority. The reason fundamental Christians are pushing so very hard to do things like the Creation museum and getting people in office is because they are in a minority and they are losing ground. In fact, a pretty good sign of that is Moore's recent loss, in a state where Evangelical Christians have kept a Republican in office for decades simply because they were pushing for Christianity.
How Germany treats the victims of Muslim terror 57 comments
· 7 years ago
@pokethebear I mean more like people like Trump or Moore, or the multiple politicians who have had to resign after being found having gay sex after preaching Christian values. There are a lot of them who color themselves Christians for the vote so they can move up the latter but who don't live Christian lives. As another non-religious example, Hillary Clinton paints herself with the feminist brush for votes, but was very quick to defend her sexual predator husband and only gives a shit about women if they're old and white. People lie for power. @asteroid I said nothing about Islam being good, I said you can't equate "jihadist" and "Muslim," and here's why: there are BILLIONS of Muslims in the world, and thousands of jihadists. If you are correct that jihadi=Muslim, then Muslim=jihadi, which means we have billions of people building bombs in their basements. Which we don't. What we have to worry about are power-grab aggressors, because those are the ones who will hurt people.
How Germany treats the victims of Muslim terror 57 comments
· 7 years ago
Jihadis are Muslims in the same way politicians are Christians. They call themselves by the name in public, but very few hold the title in practice. For the most part, it's a farce used to reinforce cherry-picked ideals, many of which are twisted once lifted from the source material, in order to press what's actually a political agenda. Jihadis generally represent either ISIL or Al Queda these days, both of which are political organizations waging guerrilla warfare against western interests. Their end goal is NOT religious enlightenment, but political power over a swathe of territory. Even the people they rule over don't believe they're true Muslims, which is why once ISIL was driven out the people were burning burqas and shaving their beards. If you truly believe that jihadis are representative of Muslims as a whole, then you are exactly the kind of Western sucker ISIL and Al Queda loves.
Robot explains couples 5 comments
I beg 10 comments
· 7 years ago
98% of the time, the "douchebags" are regular, normal guys and the relationships fail for normal, relationship-failure reasons. The girl then complains to somebody who she thinks is a friend, because after breakups girls confide in their friends. Except the friendzoned guy is not a friend, he's a weirdo who considers the girl's boyfriends douchebags to justify to himself why he's hanging around like a creeper...if he actually gave a shit about her feelings, he'd let her pick and choose her own partners without judgement and would move on because he is obviously NOT what she's looking for to be happy.
Looking on the bright side 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Handmade gifts are much cooler though, it gives you a chance to use what you know about a person to put together something they'll really like. If I want something from the store I can buy it at any point in the year, but I love getting gifts made just for me! I hope everyone loves what OP gives them.
Matthew 18:9 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Look, if you're not headed somewhere with a dress code then dress however you want, men and women, period. Feel free to look, but keep your hands and your comments to yourself, period. And always remember this key point: YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL AND NOBODY GIVES A SHIT WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT HOW THEY'RE DRESSED. You think they're hot? Keep it to yourself, you say that shit crudely to anyone who didn't ask and you ARE a creepy loser, no matter what you think. You think they don't look decent or respect themselves? Show me on this nonexistent diagram where anybody asked for your meaningless opinion, peasant. Wear a short skirt. Let your boxers hang out. And if anybody who has no bearing on your life does comment, tell them to go sit in a corner and pray to God about it, because he's the only one who loves them enough to care what they think. And anyone who brings "here's how they were dressed" up to justify any wrong committed against another human being probably also drowns kittens.
Flirting with equality 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Correction: sexual harassment. And they should be afraid, it will actually make them stop and THINK about their actions before they do them. How hard is it really to say to yourself "Is this actually the right time/place/situation to hit on someone?" or "Is it honestly a good idea to put my hands on this person without permission?"
Hmmmm 81 comments
· 7 years ago
"I don't want to" is a polite version of "no." It's not an open ended response at all, it's a plain statement. Why on earth would you assume a clear statement of disinterest is an invitation to keep going? That's the kind of thing that makes a lot of women think the man in question is pushy and creepy.
Be american 6 comments
· 7 years ago
As an American I can confirm. I myself have been shot eight times so far because of Comcast outages.
Cosmopolitan is dumb 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Cosmo's become some weird caricature of a magazine where every bad article that can't get published by a real source ends up. I feel like it's run by a group of 60-year-old mental patients whose entire journalistic philosophy can be summed up as "WE'RE ALLOWED TO SAY VAGINA NOW SO LET'S PUT IT EVERYWHEEEEEEERRRRRRREEEE."
A lil Motivation 7 comments
Shark Tank chum 5 comments
· 7 years ago
A CEO is whoever the incorporators (corporation), partners (LLC), or proprietor (sole prop) write on their article and account documents as holding that position. That's it, that's all. That's the only requirement for being a CEO. Husband/wife teams for family stores I work with, with no other employees, often have the CEO and CFO titles. Sole proprietors of these stores will have CEO in their title. The size of the chip on your shoulder that there are people who can work a DSLR well enough to make more money that you doesn't nullify who the company structure names to what position.