Myths about introvert people 15 comments
· 8 years ago
This is fantastic! Thank you for helping me conclude 100% that I'm an introvert.
As a Russian, I can say this is 100% real 20 comments
As a Russian, I can say this is 100% real 20 comments
· 8 years ago
It's literally a collection of the most outrageous stereotypes about Russia. I'm pretty sure everyone knows that's not how it is. Don't take it all to heart.
As a Russian, I can say this is 100% real 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Не выпендривайся пожалуйста если шутки не воспринимаешь :) Делай что хочешь, но посмеяться периодически надо над собой.
Using science to make your point 8 comments
As a Russian, I can say this is 100% real 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah just Putin, on a bear or a shark actually, he's been on both. I watched it. Was a really good show for everyone!!
As a Russian, I can say this is 100% real 20 comments
Captain... Of which planet? 4 comments
Me irl 3 comments
· 8 years ago
I know how you feel, mermaid >.< trying your best will eventually make it work
As an American I can say that we love you Canada and NO ONE PICKS ON YOU BUT US!! 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Please don't misunderstand me. I love America! Biggest reason I moved here Haha just saying we may need a hand getting up before we dust off this time lol
As an American I can say that we love you Canada and NO ONE PICKS ON YOU BUT US!! 17 comments
· 8 years ago
So can we join Canada now that we're both grown up? Once America makes a huge mistake can we ask Canada to take us in like the successful little brother they've turned out to be?
Everytime :/ 7 comments
"What your cows say about you" 9 comments