

DarkLordCthulhu Report User
Guy In White Shirt Teases A Nerd, How Stranger Girls Respond Is Amazing! 9 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
+1 for stuart edge, he's a genius
Nouns can be tricky 4 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
People who work at fast food restaurants or as barristers should be trained for situations like this
Every man needs this 17 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
I dislike people who call things like their wedding day the most important day of their life, like their entire purpose in life was to get married, and their life now completely revolves around their spouse.
Every man needs this 17 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
Not really, given that I completely forgot her birthday ;-;
How lovely ;-; 11 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
That seems kind of stupid. Having a parrot be able to call a blue square a blue square, and pick a blue square out of a selection of objects does not prove it knows that it is a square and that it is blue, it just associates the image of a blue square with the sound "blue square"
9/11 10 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
They're all retards "one fourth" IT'S CALLED A QUARTER DUMBASS xD
I need feminism 17 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure carrdo said female dog instead of bitch to avoid the wrath of feminazis on FS.
A Coming Out compilation 6 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
I've been thinking about the whole "coming out" thing a lot recently.
I'm not gay, but I'm pansexual, and a couple of friends think I should "come out" to my dad about it, but I really don't see any reason to unless I am in a non-hetero relationship.
Do you guys think I should or need to come out to him?
Unofficial Official Rules 133 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
I strongly disagree with 9.
I enjoy the feelsubstance posts, I enjoy reading feels posts and feelsing the feels.
I find it fun to be heartbroken or have my faith in humanity restored by said feels posts.
Therefore they are fun posts, despite not being funNY.
I hate you. 6 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
Toys r us 17 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
I love how it starts with "I sometimes" as if this is an activity he engages in frequently.
Inconvenient 5 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
Most skrillex is around 110-160bpm.
Try metronome for a breakcore single, 240+bpm
Ryan Gosling picks an interview buddy. 3 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
I swear when she was walking down she touched his butt.
She saw a golden opportunity, and she took it.
First Post on FunSubstance 5 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
5 mins later: -72
This is what an actual fox sounds like ^-^ 28 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
at around 0:33 you can hear purring
What's that America ? 33 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
Britain is like 40 somethingth. But I'm pretty sure we have a higher happiness rating than USA
Every man needs this 17 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
I remembered my 1 year anniversary, my girlfriend didn't.
He did it! 1 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
PLOT TWIST: She means friend that's a boy >:3
Beautiful volcanic activity 3 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
I know this picture from SuicideSheep's DnB Mix "The Journey"
It's a 2 hour long Drum N Bass Mix mostly focussed on chill and liquid drum and bass, featuring futurebound, Camo & Krooked, Netsky and tons more, and it's REALLY good.
Spider friends 5 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
Trap em in a glass, throw em out the window. Due to the weight and density of spiders, their terminal velocity (The fastest speed they can ever reach falling on earth's gravity) isn't fast enough to cause them harm. Meaning you could literally throw them off of the Burj Khalifa, and assuming they don't get blown away in the wind, they will land on the ground unharmed.
I'll show you mine if you show me yours 27 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
I felt ashamed because I was about to say "What film series?"
The king of the urban jungle 5 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
Apple bottom jeans, boots with da fur.
Nope nope nope 2 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
The perfect loop *o*
Which came first? 11 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
The correct answer: The egg came first, laid by an animal that wasn't a chicken.
Map of devices connected to the Internet 26 comments
darklordcthulhu · 10 years ago
I call bullshit, whatever this is a map of, it's not internet connection, or it's really outdated.