

Directions unclear; accidentally aimed a GRB at Earth in the future.
DarthSagacious Report User
S q u a d g o a l s 10 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
I assume it was either a psychopath or a scientist.
Buying bike lights on Amazon 3 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
If you are cycling at the speed of light, all of the forces that hold you and the bike together, even at the subatomic level, will no longer work the same, as they traverse at the speed of light (for gravity and electromagnetism) or less (strong and weak nuclear). You would dissociate into a series of sub-subatomic particles and release a huge amount of energy, annihilating whatever happens to be in your proximity. Also, you would never be able to reach that speed to begin with.
The hottest new craze 3 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
No, fucking milk comes from an entirely different organ system.
Paper airplane machine gun 4 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
My childhood could have been so much better.
Hawaiian pizza 17 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
And when I was in Hawaii, everyone said they hated it. Which means they were at least some measure of sane.
That peeling feeling 4 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
It's like taking a bandage off and it rips the scab open and you bleed everywhere.
He makes sense 4 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
That's equivalent to an excuse for not having your homework because it was the only thing you could burn to keep yourself alive in the middle of the freezing tundra (and you live in Arizona).
Anon helps a disabled girl 3 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
And neither did he.
Can't wait to be drafted 17 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
People adapt. The same type of thing was probably said back then. Everybody thinks everybody is bitches, until you back them into a corner. Sure, it will suck, it will change everyone; but you are a damn fool.
What an adventure! 4 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Directions unclear. At least he didn't remove the fourth floor.
Never underestimate the intelligence of animals 16 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
I'll admit that I am lacking in general knowledge. Outside of biology, chemistry, physics, medicine, electronics and maths, my knowledge is paltry and laughably inept.
Never underestimate the intelligence of animals 16 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
I think that any true scientist should have multiple varied fields in which they have expert knowledge.
Can't wait to be drafted 17 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
I'm a scientist. Also, I already did my time.
No you're not 2 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
"Bro, I'll meet up with you at the Rong Restaurant" would not be confusing at all.
Daily Dose of Love #42- Math could teach SOME valuable lessons 5 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
You should read both Flatland and Flatterland. It will get you emotional about geometry.
If they were Americans you'd already know the story 6 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
If you look at the statistics from the Hundred Years War, the English frequently defeated the French, despite staggering differences in troops. So this feat would have taken perhaps 2 or 3 Englishmen.
The best pun 2 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
I'd say "marry him", but she already has that covered.
Never underestimate the intelligence of animals 16 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Astrophysics and cosmology are my guilty pleasure studies.
Why the f*ck you lyin 3 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Check out Jack Horner's TED Talks. They are good. And he talks about making the chickenosaurus.
America on jupiter 3 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
I like how they put it directly in the path of the storm that is larger than our whole planet.
That's not how any of this works! 9 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
It's like a photon clock energy beam weapon. Also, if her lipstick laser is that fucking powerful, why didn't she just shoot the door with it in the first place?
Never underestimate the intelligence of animals 16 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Ya'll should study molecular biology, if you want to see some real trippy shit about life.
Hydraulic crane made from cardboard, plastic syringes, and toothpicks 10 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Actually, one could achieve time travel while remaining perfectly stationary in space. At light speed, an object is moving only through space and not in time, therefore does not experience any time: to a photon's perspective (if it could have one), it is everywhere its trajectory would take it, simultaneously. As a corollary, one could imagine an object that traverses only through time and not through space. However, our current best theoretical approach to specifically retrograde time travel is achieving a velocity faster than the natural velocity of light with respect to a vacuum. That doesn't mean it is the only way to time travel, or even the most feasible way.
But wouldn't he be trapped in his own box anyways? 10 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
I have started so many books. I just lack the discipline to finish any of them, since I have to write so much for my job. I think at least 20% of them have some real potential.
why not both? 8 comments
darthsagacious · 7 years ago
Yes. The main cause of death from cocaine use is heart attack or stroke. Cocaine stimulates neurotransmitters which result in the constriction of blood vessels, raising blood pressure and heart rate. Since dolphins are generally more massive than humans, and they are designed to sustain higher blood pressures (and greater variances in blood pressure) in order to dive, it would take much more cocaine to kill a typical dolphin than a typical person.