Micah Caleb Phillips


— Micah Caleb Phillips Report User
It's quite obvious 2 comments
dazzalicious · 4 years ago
Yes because wolf pack hierarchies are exactly like human marriages
Me want 3 comments
dazzalicious · 4 years ago
Bold of you to assume he's not just visiting from the grey havens
For the last time 3 comments
dazzalicious · 4 years ago
Let Mr. Bot dream, it's all he has
Pet anything and everything 5 comments
dazzalicious · 5 years ago
Until you find out armadillos carry leprosy, funny story actually when I worked at a zoo we where going through animal handling training and our armadillo was going to become an ambassador animal so myself and around ten others went to it's exhibit and where trained on how to catch the armadillo and hold it, a week later after all of us had caught and held said armadillo we where informed that he was removed from the ambassador animal program due to them being able to carry leprosy, I did a little research and found out it takes around five to six years for the symptoms to show up, it's been seven years and I'm all good so perhaps he didn't carry it we may never know.
Ancestors always watch over you 2 comments
dazzalicious · 5 years ago
Considering the black cat is most likely a Jaguar since many depictions of black cats are Jaguars it would be much larger than the Cheetah that is shown to be larger than it, now if this is in fact a Leopard that is being represented by the black cat, it too would be larger than the Cheetah for Cheetah are fairly small big cats, Also the Tiger would be larger than the Lion as well
1 · Edited 5 years ago
This mosquito getting hit by a dart 2 comments
dazzalicious · 5 years ago
*Loki impression* THAT'S HOW IT FEELS!!
Tv shows causes violence 8 comments
dazzalicious · 5 years ago
And that's why I don't cough after the second cough