

— dcottingham Report User
The glass! 5 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
The glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Someone tried to put up an inspirational quote in my building 9 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
You're only born once.
How nice of them 19 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
It's a joke.
Absolute mad lad 6 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
"Dial"? What is "dial"?
Lmaoo 2 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
Guy likes balloons, don't judge.
Wisdom or inflation? 28 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
me at 65: ok, I have a million dollars, and if I retire I'll starve before I'm 85.
Happy Stripes 6 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
Goin to the zoo, zoo, zoo, how about you, you, you
Bollywood 21 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
Otherwise, how can we cross them?
Just a normal thing 7 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
Is it parallel?
Checkmate flat-earthers 9 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
They're playing fast and loose with the word "orbit". The ride goes to the stratosphere on a big bag of helium, generally referred to as a "balloon"
I don't sea what's wrong with that! 2 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
It's a sandwich that's popular in Fishburg.
Taxes 7 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
They aren't, we just have a lot of whiners these days.
Did some Googling. This seems most suspect 6 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
I think it's interesting that every meme that mentions Epstein's powerful connections they don't mention Trump.
Oof... 11 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
CJ Pearson is not a conspiracy theorist?
I see no difference at all 9 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
Oh, right, I was thinking goat, but of course lamb.
I see 2 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
Also US cops have better hats than that.
Like... What the f**k? The actual f**king f**k? 11 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
Also, always looking for someone to blame other than racists.
Can you explain please? 6 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
It's $100K, just say yes.
Thats actually a good idea 7 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
No holo.
Trump socks 4 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
"As long as I get the licensing fees."
People need to check the facts 17 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
Oh... well, in the context of the post we're commenting on, 1. Curiosity Rover didn't cost anywhere near 100 billion, 2. I really don't know how much the tax deduction for charitable contributions is costing the govt, either for churches alone or for all 501c3s, 3. the cost of Curiosity, and probably the cost of this tax break, is nothing compared to the cost of effective assistance for poor people, 4. my opinion, including churches in that list is weird (though of course politically mandatory), as evidenced by the contortions the govt then has to go through to define what is a church. Also, we wouldn't have to hear all the whining about "the mean government has a law against churches being politically active" which is a lie, the truth being that lobbying or advocating for or against candidates would lose them a tax break. But of course this is all hypothetical, this won't happen.
People need to check the facts 17 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
Not sure who your question is directed to. But it's worth noting that the most recent tax law change raised the standard deduction, while limiting the deduction for state and local taxes, with the result that for many taxpayers, it's no longer favorable to itemize deductions. This means that for them, this tax advantage is effectively gone.
Who knew Camel barbering was a thing!!! 7 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
Why are camels called the ships of the desert?
Huh. So, that's what "privilege" means 24 comments
dcottingham · 4 years ago
No real man would whine like this.