Deathly Hallows


— Deathly Hallows Report User
Lucky there is no S tank 2 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
Pee-ter Parker
WLTH 144: hating white people is funny and trendy 29 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
Probs gonna get downvoted, but what really annoys me is that people all say "white people destroy everything", referring to like 3% of white people while the rest of the white population have done nothing and actually help the world. For example, like emma watson, who advocates for women's rights in third world countries, and even people who just help the world in smaller ways, like maybe your local doctor- yet these people are still shunned and despised due to the colour of their skin. If somebody posted something saying "BLACK PEOPLE DESTROY EVERYTHING" they would be attacked by every single person who saw the post and be forced to take it down, yet it's okay to be rude to the white race. It's also annoying that white people get attacked but people don't seem to mention all the things that people from other races have done either- nope, the only people who have done bad things are whites. I admit that the white race has caused a lot of suffering, but so many other races have too.
Meanwhile in an australian hospital 7 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
GUYS Koalas are severely endangered!! There could be less than 50,000 still living in the wild :( :(
Daniel Radcliffe 3 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
Thank you for this!! I shall use it against my friends every time they moan about my Harry Potter obsession!
Friends are like a trampoline 8 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
They'll always be there to bounce you right back up! Unless my fat ass is too heavy and I rips through the material :)
Shrexy af 19 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
layers.... an onion has layers.... oh my god I just got it
Wedding photoshoot 10 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
I don't get why it's NSFW
H o u s e g r a s s 4 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
grass is just hundreds of little baby leaves
Tick-tock, not tock-tick 10 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
i have never in my entire life heard someone say it in that order, but i suppose it would be like saying "my foot and my hand", as in it doesn't sound as weird as some other examples because people probably tend to say it more.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
He did not expect that 5 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
Is this witch mountain?
Why is the rum always gone? 9 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
Come ooouuut, Poppet!
Plz no 23 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
Best hangout place for a p*do 11 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
what made this ten times funnier for me is that the service provider in the top left hand corner is "virgin"
Agree? 29 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
what if you just killed someone and claimed he was raping you?
90s Cats Will Understand 4 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
This is unrelated to cats but today i saw a little baby in a pram clutching a huge iPad bigger than his head by far with his tiny little fingers and his mouth open drooling staring at the screen, made me kinda sad :(
The Perils of Australia 35 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
Yeah, if you stay in a city in australia your chances are improbable to none of coming across any of the animals listed above
The Perils of Australia 35 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
When I lived in Melbourne, my baby sister was once playing in the garden with her toy tricycle when she yelled 'Mumma, come look at the spiders!' my mother and i ran out to see she had tipped the tricycle upside down and a NEST of red back spiders inhabited the underside of it... That was so terrifying, if she had stuck her hand in there she would probably be dead! Another time I was at a zoo and was feeding a wallaby when the little shit jumped up and kicked me in the face :) Oh, and I was swimming at Stradbroke island when i got stung by a blue bottle (Jelly fish, not as bad as a box jellyfish tho.). But I still lovee Australia <3 <3 Fave place!
I've never had cinnamon rolls 15 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
I'm loving the devil's apron. Like yeah, he tortures souls in the scorching firey pits of hell and is the epitome of all that is evil, but omg did see that new apron in 'Lucifer', that'll stop that pesky cinnamon from sticking to me
This police department is fighting crime with memes 16 comments
deathly_hallows · 7 years ago
I believe the brake was broken- maybe it was always pressing down? so the rope held the brake up.
deathly_hallows · 8 years ago
How about poor old Australia? There are THREE wizarding schools in close proximity and easy access in Europe, but we poor old Aussies ain't got a single wizarding school! And it's not like we can catch a train or something to the nearest country and go to that school! NOPE! We are stuck in the middle of the freaking sea! HOW DO WE GO TO SCHOOL?!?!?! HOW!!?!?!?!?!?!?!
HANDS UP, smol pupper. UR an underarrest for not doin a G O O D B O Y E 18 comments
deathly_hallows · 8 years ago
I wonder what people 100 years ago would think of memes
One day, the old gods will return 30 comments
deathly_hallows · 8 years ago
Thanks Percy! :D I'm a huge fan
George Carlin was a genius 9 comments
deathly_hallows · 8 years ago
Imagine doing the nasty with a lady who has a baby inside her and then getting it sucked up your dick when you climax
This guy is savage 7 comments
deathly_hallows · 8 years ago
Her father has the same birthday as me!!!
(Except I wasn't born in 1968)
I miss this show 13 comments
deathly_hallows · 8 years ago
Please don't hate on me but...
what show is this? I've never seen it before