

— deepstriker Report User
This post always gets me 13 comments
deepstriker · 9 years ago
The guy in the video is one of the host of a show called "top gear". Each week, they get a different car to test and talk about it. He was just talking about how if it wasn't for this car, which can do 190 mph very easily, he would not have been able to see his father before he died.
Player 2 - not required 11 comments
deepstriker · 9 years ago
The story about his death or the homeless guy?
Player 2 - not required 11 comments
deepstriker · 9 years ago
Mark Fisher died in a helicopter crash which his father was piloting. He was in his late 20. I believe his whole family was in the helicopter, some of them survived.
You just never know these days 3 comments
deepstriker · 9 years ago
the full joke is that the guy who makes the clocks, puts gay porn on them. Then some user checked his hard drive clock and found porn.
Oh my gosh this is sweet 4 comments
deepstriker · 9 years ago
translation of when they are talking
Santa: did you write Santa a letter asking for a doll?
Girl: Yah, that too.
Santa: that too? do you also wants games?
Girl: Yah. you speak sign language too?
Santa: Do you also want a bicycle?
Girl: no, i don't want to fall and hurt my self.
Santa: Santa is good. I am good Santa.
The difference LED Street Lights make 12 comments
deepstriker · 9 years ago
There might be a small difference between the sky visibility between LED and incandescent bulbs, but there is no way you will see the sky that bright. I have been to the darkest spots in the US, no light pollution what so ever, but you will never see a sky look like that. Especially the red glow they show on left picture. With no light pollution, meaning no lights at all for miles, you will actually see what the left picture shows. You do see the milky way, but you will never see any color except white light from the stars.
Black Sconce man 22 comments
deepstriker · 9 years ago
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.”
Stephen Hawking
God will save me 18 comments
deepstriker · 9 years ago
I guess the second boat will show up soon
God will save me 18 comments
deepstriker · 9 years ago
Here you go. He sounds so cute
Jackie chan adventures 10 comments
deepstriker · 9 years ago
Jackieeeeeee!!!... no one got the reference?
And also I'd like to tie you up 8 comments
deepstriker · 9 years ago
He actually says "My tastes are very…singular". not my desires are unconventional...
· Edited 9 years ago
Singing to a soldier 10 comments
deepstriker · 10 years ago
Afghanistan is not in the middle east O_o
Thor 8 comments
deepstriker · 10 years ago
There is one story where his hammer was stolen or given to the enemy by Loki. Thor had to dress up and go to the place to seduce the guy so he could get his hammer back.
At the cow wash 10 comments
deepstriker · 10 years ago
not an actual "cow wash". It's more of a back scratchier for cows. Used in a lot of cow milking faculties. The cows come when the please.