Jayne M Junemann


Jayne M Junemann Report User
Delicate matters 9 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
it SOUNDS like kurukuru knows what hes talking about...
I don't wann die like this 7 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
i think its weird that people are so concerned with being found naked.
The satanic leaf gecko 5 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
it so cuuuteeee
A Cheap Tesla is coming 9 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
lol this was my reaction... like i get that it IS totally more affordable, maybe more so than other cars that price due to gas costs, but to me 10-15k = affordable and 35k = luxury. esp since these days decent cars are getting sold for low prices, like, i adore my Soul and it was like 13k-ish
Mixed signals asf 16 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
as an adult with adult responsibilities who has been adulting for 13 years i still think highschool was the most stressful time of my life.
Anon question 23 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
i think sometimes its just hard to figure out the right way for each woman... i rarely had orgasms till i was like 25 or so and i had to fucking WORK for them... now i can bang them out like candy.
Nothing to say here 17 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
well i had a hard time pronouncing one of those soooo food babe says i canno eat that.
Texting "hey" 10 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
this cannot be completely accurate as most of my "wanna fuck" texts from certain individuals contained 3 y's
though i wish they were 11 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
i think it just tends to show up regularly on most mediums so it feels more frequent than it is.
I was taking a test.. 6 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
but thats probably why it says it that way here... it someone learning english from another language so its there in ways that sound right to them to test if they understand how to say it right
This aquarium is incredible 6 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
have yall ever even heard of algea?
So cool! 10 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
... because people ask children for advice on things and just blindly listen to the kids advice, and its not just a tiebreaker or a notion to ponder with the fun from an odd point of view.
Anon question 23 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
this was my impression since why would a man being stressed effect the females ability to orgasm... this just sounds like a female who has difficulty reaching orgasm.
Anon question 23 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
i'm pretty sure this is written by a female who has a hard time having orgasms...
Real women in Victoria's Secret Swimsuit 44 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
"not attractive" such an opinion :) hell i'm still overweight and i ran into an ex who was disappointed my thighs got smaller because, while overweight, i am less overweight than when we dated.
Elven cutlery set 11 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
these will never truly be clean.
So cool! 10 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
because theres really any legal way to "drive a car to its potential" and owning a car you like without going bananas in it is a "waste"
Non geographical wars 32 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
pretty sure even in the olden days when armies tried to settle things by choosing fighters to have one battle one death sometimes the losing side would go ahead and try the actual battle.
Capes and Cloaks need to come back 28 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
no those have sleeves. capes are capes.
Dictionary 11 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
im getting at more the difference between one person and group of people... someone saying "white people are shit" is that person being racist. although i think both concepts are better demonstrated by thoughts and actions because words are dumb and fleeting and said in a moment and can reflect ideals that are extremes of what we actually think. plus i did very specifically use the word "harder" instead of "impossible" because typically racism is going to be the lesser power being beheld by the major power, but there are always exceptions. but i think "racism" comes from the larger institution and "racist" is what people as individuals do. so this idea that minorities cannot be racist is silly because of COURSE hate is going to go both ways its absurd to think it isnt and to act like only the party that is part of the majority has hate that can be labeled is stupid. if i notice that billy hates me and i start to hate him because he hates me, is my hate somehow more rational than his?no
Sounds like I need to date a sniper 19 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
that soooo doesnt count. im a female and i don't get half of them so clearly spending time with oneself does not equate spending time with similar people.
Nah. 10 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
its nice in theory but forcing things to work doesnt always work. as a child my parents kept forcing their marriage to work, i think "for the kids", and let me tell you it was a terrifying traumatizing place to grow up and forcing something that isnt working can be horrifically toxic not just to the people in the marriage but the people around. don't get me wrong, theres plenty of times where things CAN and SHOULD be worked out but painting everyone with that same brush is not okay. they finally got divorced after we moved out and i see sparks of the happy people i remember from young childhood returning to their faces and its a delight.
Frozen olsens 10 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
HNIC is right 17 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
i think most schools have it at least incorporated into classes, just no one pays attention. i have a hard time believing that math class doesnt go over mortgage and compound interest and whatnot. im never sure why people always bring up taxes since at least the begining years taxes are pretty simple the form walks you through what box to put what in and is pretty idiot proof as long as you figured out how to get your W2 (which is normally as simple as "keep your address up to date with your employer")
Anyone else thinks the same? 5 comments
deviledapple · 9 years ago
the thing is when you wanna be home alone people be trying to drag you out left and right