

— Dew Report User
Disturbing usb plug 13 comments
dew · 10 years ago
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
Lighting storm cloud lamp 6 comments
dew · 10 years ago
Shut Up and Take My Money!
With chocolate smeared on your face..... 9 comments
dew · 10 years ago
Admit it 27 comments
dew · 10 years ago
As a girl, according to this survey- I'm a guy.....
The Future is now 8 comments
dew · 10 years ago
I see what you did there!
Twi sides to an argument 37 comments
dew · 10 years ago
shots fired
Baby lion playing with leaves 11 comments
dew · 10 years ago
*cuteness intensifies*
Throwing sticky tape at people who need to stick with the program 26 comments
dew · 10 years ago
One of these is not like the others....
Hot tub 51 comments
dew · 10 years ago
Some dumb fuck is going to try this..... oh my
awwwww 11 comments
dew · 10 years ago
Those damn ninjas are cutting onions again
Where were you all my life? 31 comments
dew · 10 years ago
Shut up and take my money!!!!
Impossible to win 4 comments
dew · 10 years ago
Story of my life....
mystery solved 9 comments
dew · 10 years ago
Fourth wall? What fourth wall?
A birthday gift for Jesus.... 30 comments
dew · 10 years ago
not sure if idiot or master troll
Good advice 3 comments
dew · 10 years ago
I see what you did there.
Oh, Spongebob 3 comments
dew · 10 years ago
Yeah, but am I a pretty lady?
Staring lady 35 comments
dew · 10 years ago
Trust me, I'm THE Doctor!
The Buckley family 20 comments
dew · 10 years ago
All aboard the Lolnope train to Fuckthatville
Success guy robert downey jr 9 comments
dew · 10 years ago
Good guy, RDJ!
Genius ad 4 comments
dew · 10 years ago
For the win.