thus ends my will to live 58 comments
thus ends my will to live 58 comments
I would buy gold and keep it 38 comments
· 8 years ago
first, I'd buy myself a rad crotch rocket, then I'd blow the rest of the money on me and my girlfriend for the ultimate treat yo self day.
That's the most evilest thing I can imagine 23 comments
Bulge vision 21 comments
· 8 years ago
I'd have to say either I'll Rust With You or She Said Maybe. They both just make me so happy.
Bulge vision 21 comments
· 8 years ago
They're not my favorite but they're so amazing omg. They're like, top five though. Favorite song by SPG?
It has really gone too far 17 comments
· 8 years ago
I heard about this is my ASL class. Usually I'm quiet, but when my teacher told me about this I just yelled "his nAME IS HUNTER??"
And regardless, it's a name. I knew a guy named Gunner, but no one ever freaked out because his name had 'gun' in it.
And regardless, it's a name. I knew a guy named Gunner, but no one ever freaked out because his name had 'gun' in it.
Girl gets special present from her boyfriend 14 comments
Bulge vision 21 comments
Hell spawn 24 comments
· 8 years ago
I've taken selfies with a goat. It's just because they always look so stupid and funny and I just really love goats.
Ready for the hate flow 116 comments
· 8 years ago
That's human nature. Some have it more than others. I'm sure you don't like every aspect about yourself, everyone wants to change SOMETHINGS, some more drastic than others.
Girl gets special present from her boyfriend 14 comments
Ready for the hate flow 116 comments
· 8 years ago
There's reasoning behind it. Depression, dysphoria, a genuine discomfort in who you are. No one feels like they shouldn't have a right arm.
Ready for the hate flow 116 comments
· 8 years ago
No one identifies as that though, you're comparing apples to oranges. If you compare a transman to a nut case who chops limbs off, that's unfair. It's not a mental disorder.
it has to be really friggin good cake