I'm an 19 year old girl from Southern Indiana. I have an unhealthy obsession with Supernatural, love my family, and spoil my dog like he is my child.— DirtyPinkTeaKettle Report User
In the 21st century, a stupid is born! 21 comments
· 10 years ago
He didn't seem to. I passed with an A. I think he was scared he would be fired if he tried to retaliate like that.
It's simple, really. 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I just started it on Sunday, and I feel as though my heart has been ripped out and put back sideways twenty times.
Westboro baptist church picketing the okc game last night 5 comments
· 10 years ago
These people make me hope that there really is a Heaven, and that I happen to be standing there watching when they get told that they can't come in.
This guy walks perfect to any song rhythm 46 comments
he can nibble on my shoulder pads anytime.... 21 comments
Yo hablo Spanish? 56 comments
· 10 years ago
I can speak enough Spanish to get my point across in most situations. That's what I got out of four years of classes.
Does anyone agree? 11 comments
· 10 years ago
My mom is Jill from State Farm. She's always telling us stories about people who call the office and ask to speak to Jake.
Colorado dogs 24 comments
· 10 years ago
For anyone who has a dog and is terrified of them eating chocolate, here is a little tool to help you decide whether to rush them to the vet or not:
Pretty much 34 comments
· 11 years ago
Cupcakes are just bitches. Muffins are a brilliant all-purpose food.
I don't know why I prefer to have Loki's GPS 10 comments
· 11 years ago
"You will writhe under my wrath!" I'd writhe under him any day... ;)
Every girl knows this is the truth 17 comments
We have a complicated relationship 6 comments
· 11 years ago
That used to be true for me. I'm extremely happy that I don't have that problem anymore.
Super cool chessboard 33 comments
· 11 years ago
It's way to small to be a 50 cal casing. It's probably 30-06 or .338.
A hammock tent like no other 9 comments
When when I'm tired and someone wants to talk to me 11 comments
· 11 years ago
You usually have to restrain cows that are having complications giving birth. If they move to much, the calf will get stuck in the birth canal and will die. A lot of times, the cow dies too.
Disney Princesses-Once Upon A Time Version 47 comments
· 11 years ago
I think they did it because of the differences. Rumple is a bad guy, he knows he's too old for her, he knows he ruins her, but he can't get past this obsessive love for her. Belle makes him human, takes him from that evil place he was in and drives him to feel and be a better person. It's beautiful.
Don't spread false information, vegans 7 comments
· 11 years ago
They can either die this way or of the flu. I've seen chickens with avian flu. It's painful and horrible. Trust me, foam is a much easier way to go.
Dave is the girl on fire 7 comments
Selfie Sunday 24 comments
· 11 years ago
The guest probably did that intentionally, as a reference to the movie "We're The Miller's".
Budget cuts 6 comments
· 11 years ago
One corner has the show's logo. The other has the channel's logo. Not two different channels.