Fixed it! 51 comments
· 9 years ago
Im sure some have but it has not nearly been as many as black people have in America. All #blackLivesMAtter is trying to do is help there people and by saying #allLivesMatter you aren't letting these people have something they really need.
Fixed it! 51 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes actually it is. This organization is one of the biggest reasons that the black peoples are on there way to reforming the way they are viewed and bringing attention to this very important social issue.
Fixed it! 51 comments
· 9 years ago
But is it helping? #BlackLivesMatter is only trying to bring attention to a very big and important issue and by saying #alllivesmatter you are in fact proving their point because you are being to petty to even let them try and help themselves. You are being so self entitled that you think that you must bring attention away from the issue so that you can bring attention to yourself?
Fixed it! 51 comments
· 9 years ago
This is exactly what i was trying to say! It isn't hurting anybody to say #BlackLivesMatter but it sure isn't helping anybody when they say #AllLivesMatter.
Fixed it! 51 comments
· 9 years ago
You do know that the whole reason black lives matter exists is because white people won't even let them have on thing for themselves? They try and change the horrible situation they have been put in (by white people) and then people change it to all lives matter? All lives do matter but they're trying to show that they matter and that they should be treated equally. Now this woman obviously doesn't understand this either I will give you that, but it being changed from #BlackLives MAtter to #Alllivesmatter really irks me.
Enough internet for the day 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Coming back to this because I have a cold now and this is messing with my brain
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Stan Lee and Grumpy Cat 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Im grumpy all day long
Do i get to meet Stan Lee( one of my heroes)?
No i get told that Im antisocial
Double Standards Yo
Do i get to meet Stan Lee( one of my heroes)?
No i get told that Im antisocial
Double Standards Yo
When someone asks me how I came out 15 comments
· 9 years ago
Okay its official this is how this how i shall do it
There is absolutely no other way for me to do it XD
There is absolutely no other way for me to do it XD