Easy answer 5 comments
· 6 years ago
They make almost no money from tickets, that's why they upcharge the food
What the f**k is vegemite? 23 comments
And we peaked at fax machines, no? 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Did someone say something about how even though they do that they're actually sneakier at getting info to the point people are thinking of not importing them ?
Me at some point of my life. 24 comments
Don't be shit 16 comments
· 6 years ago
" If you don't care about my feelings, why should I yours? "
That can go both ways. If you don't care enough about my feelings to not treat me shitty then excuse it because of your trauma, why should I let you try and excuse your shitty behavior when you clearly don't care about how I feel enough to own up to it and not excuse it ?
That can go both ways. If you don't care enough about my feelings to not treat me shitty then excuse it because of your trauma, why should I let you try and excuse your shitty behavior when you clearly don't care about how I feel enough to own up to it and not excuse it ?
I can't help it. I love cheese 8 comments
Nyooooooom 6 comments
· 6 years ago
I actually walk super fast to compensate for my short legs, this has caused me to walk faster than normal sized people and my tall bf to have to learn to speedwalk to keep up
Me at some point of my life. 24 comments
· 6 years ago
Women are bitches. I don't mean to sound like one of " those girls " but there was a reason I mainly hung out with guys
Conspiracy theory 8 comments
Smoke signals 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Low key I feel instead of small penis as a go to insult we should use the fact that these guys cum in like 30 seconds and can't please their partners. One can't be helped, the other can and they're just too lazy to fix it.
Me at some point of my life. 24 comments
· 6 years ago
But she started ignoring me when I pointed out the other people were already content with me and I didn't need to hang out with her to get them to like me ( like I said, they knew me, weren't gonna do anything rude to me as long as I didn't do anything to them. Also me letting them copy my homework didn't hurt either ) so when she tried spreading even one rumor about me they didn't want to hear it, I'd done nothing so far and I kept them supplied with good grades for little work.
Me at some point of my life. 24 comments
· 6 years ago
The other comments reminded me of something that happened to my friend. We'd been friends for a couple months and already SUPER close ( not friends anymore but that's another story ). One day this new girl came to school and joined our little shy outcast group. She kind of replaced me to that friend and tried to make sure they spent time away from me so that me and that friend would grow apart somewhat. Then one day my friend was crying. Turns out the girl had spread rumors about her ( she was already not well liked because she was awkward so the rumors made it worse ) because some of the " popular " kids took an interest in her and didn't want to hang out with her if she was hanging around my friend ( I knew a few of them since elementary so they didn't really care enough about me to put any effort to be mean to me since I didn't do anything to them ) ANYWAY then she " recruits " our only other friend in the group to hang out with them. She tried getting me to join them cont.
Well played 44 comments
· 6 years ago
I might not want to eat livers or tongue but itd make me so much madder to find out a lot of an animal was going to waste. I'll use something with weird stuff ( I mean, aren't sausages cased in intestines ? ) but not if it's not good? Like if they're putting something in there to curb costs but it makes the product bad ? Sorry if this sounds weird it's late
It really is 2 comments
Butterfly in the sky 7 comments
· 6 years ago
I've straight up had way more hate from lesbians who dont know me than any straight people and I live in Texas
Move it b*tch 9 comments
· 6 years ago
It pissed me off more when I'm going OVER the speed limit and someone is still on my ass
He can’t be stopped 8 comments
· 6 years ago
It's kind of like how I say it's " my " phone, " my " room, etc. It's only mine because my parents are letting me use them. I don't need them, I won't die without them.
And if it was his property he could have called the cops or something for theft, but for the most part he probably didn't buy that car himself, especially if he's bad enough to still take the car out when he's clearly not allowed to drive it.
And if it was his property he could have called the cops or something for theft, but for the most part he probably didn't buy that car himself, especially if he's bad enough to still take the car out when he's clearly not allowed to drive it.