I could eat this for breakfast five days a week 6 comments
· 6 years ago
We got half frozen wrapped pbjs with juice or a small box of cereal with milk for breakfast wtf
Dear Susan, May I have a glass of malk? 6 comments
· 6 years ago
I think they were more concerned with what could turn into a lawsuit if something happened to her baby when it was something they were capable of stopping before. Someone steals lunch once or twice ? not a lawsuit, no way they can be held accountable for a couple lost lunches. A persistent issue they chose to ignore that results in a miscarriage ? Now that opens them up to be at fault BIG TIME.
Taking photos hands free 6 comments
Taking photos hands free 6 comments
Let's hope it worked 41 comments
· 6 years ago
An abuser is still an abuser, hotel person isn't responsible just because someone decided to do something bad. The wife would still be in control of her actions and no one else can be blamed for what SHE decided.
Richard holder 22 comments
Let's hope it worked 41 comments
· 6 years ago
Oh yeah, and I think the other person they cheat with can also be held accountable sometimes under some homewrecking laws if there's children involved
Let's hope it worked 41 comments
· 6 years ago
I think the only expectation of confidentiality is if someone tries to get info about another guest they're not allowed to give it out
Let's hope it worked 41 comments
· 6 years ago
It's only when someone becomes and asshole that they start to have a bad rep around the sight and even then most people won't call it out
Let's hope it worked 41 comments
· 6 years ago
They didn't do anything illegal or against the rules. They left a thank you note for a guest. That's all they did. It's not breaking any confidentiality because the letter of HIS hotel room is going to HIS address. They're not calling the dude out and blasting it on social media saying " this man is a cheater !!! "
Let's hope it worked 41 comments
· 6 years ago
It's not illegal to tell someone their spouse is cheating. If you're doing something wrong and don't want to get caught, don't do it in the first place. It's his own fault. His wife could have randomly shown up, a friend could have seen and told, it's doesn't matter who told because he's the one doing what he isn't supposed to be doing.
And acting like your LYING is better only shows that you're immature because an actual adult would communicate with their partner if they were that unhappy. Anything that happens after that is their own fault when they decide to do the wrong thing.
And acting like your LYING is better only shows that you're immature because an actual adult would communicate with their partner if they were that unhappy. Anything that happens after that is their own fault when they decide to do the wrong thing.
Uhh, yeah! 16 comments
Sugar daddy 35 comments
· 6 years ago
I think you're supposed to be at least 13 to even get on the internet that's why you need parents permission
And jeez, you're 11 and already calling people such terrible names on the internet, you really need a break from it since you don't seem to know how to treat people.
And jeez, you're 11 and already calling people such terrible names on the internet, you really need a break from it since you don't seem to know how to treat people.
Richard holder 22 comments
· 6 years ago
Or the ones that say it's weird you're not " lacking in morals " and " raping and pillaging " because for some reason they believe all morals come from religious documents and if you're not religious you're obviously one minute away from breaking every crime despite not ever even being so much as grounded.
Freedom and guns reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 26 comments
· 6 years ago
Can you imagine living in a country where your means of self defense are taken away because a small percent of people choose to use them for offense ?
Nice nope 24 comments
Uhh, yeah! 16 comments
· 6 years ago
No one in history is perfect. So while I get what you're saying we shouldn't forget what they did but also not act like those acts are discounted for what we now shun.
Proud of him 3 comments
· 6 years ago
DLCs themselves are fine, they're just expansion packs, microtransactions and putting things that should be in the base game in a DLC to get more money is what's truly killing the game industry. As well as only making the same game with new characters and settings over and over again and acting like it's groundbreaking.
B-but 27 comments
· 6 years ago
I think certain degrees are but you might have to take certain test that were required in America but not when you got your degree ? Kind of like how sometimes you have to take new tests to move your degree to a new state since different ones have different requirements.
What do you have to deal with? 15 comments
· 6 years ago
No one said it was acceptable that he said it ? This comment chain was JUST about the actual issues men face until you started bringing " women suffer more " into it. If someone is sexist, call them out, don't act like people talking about something else is saying something they arent.