How far can you reach 13 comments
· 7 years ago
( ͡* ͜ʖ ͡*)
Edited 7 years ago
When you have an exam and you've asked the prof the same question 10 times, still lost 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Same. People have to repeat stuff to me several times and get annoyed because of this.
Sometimes I'll be listening just fine, then it'll fade into some thought or other distraction.
Sometimes I'll just pretend to know what we're talking about and get away with it.
True facts.
Edited 7 years ago
Sometimes I'll be listening just fine, then it'll fade into some thought or other distraction.
Sometimes I'll just pretend to know what we're talking about and get away with it.
True facts.
Different times 4 comments
*graps popcorn* 12 comments
Sometimes stereotypes are accurate 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Colored hair will ALWAYS get my attention. I just can't help it. So, knowing that, if you don't want attention, but also want colored hair... I'm sorry, but you're fucked xDDD
Deal with it.
Deal with it.
The only way to go out 1 comments
making me tired just thinking about it 1 comments
· 7 years ago
You are an exhibit. Now eat the grilled cheese u dumb animal. *Throws grilled cheese at college student*
You can't argue with facts 9 comments
Find one that can do both 3 comments
i'd rather be a concept, an idea 7 comments
Every damn time 6 comments
Adulthood in a nutshell 1 comments