There's definitely alien life 30 comments
Wat do you say? 3 comments
· 7 years ago
I just got turned into a match. Please send help.
(BTW, you're now crazy for seeing matches talk.)
Edited 7 years ago
(BTW, you're now crazy for seeing matches talk.)
wise words from Mr. Jackson 17 comments
· 7 years ago
Sorry, I was kinda in a rush when I read that.
I appreciate your support, I really do.
I appreciate your support, I really do.
wise words from Mr. Jackson 17 comments
· 7 years ago
As someone with adhd, I can confidently say that you could trust me 100 percent with a gun.
I would probably be the perfect hunting partner if I may say so myself.
It's when it goes unmanaged that it really becomes dangerous in my experience.
I also wouldn't even call it a disorder, just a different way of processing our environment.
Edited 7 years ago
As someone with adhd, I can confidently say that you could trust me 100 percent with a gun.
I would probably be the perfect hunting partner if I may say so myself.
It's when it goes unmanaged that it really becomes dangerous in my experience.
I also wouldn't even call it a disorder, just a different way of processing our environment.
Yoshi Betrayal 2 comments
· 7 years ago
lmao yoshi is fucking PISSED all while Mario's all content.
Luigi's all excited, yet little does he know the mansion's 2 sp00ky 4 u~
Luigi's all excited, yet little does he know the mansion's 2 sp00ky 4 u~
Can you hear the crunch 5 comments
How nice! 5 comments
· 7 years ago
*girls whips out meat cleaver and chops off the guy's hand*
"I'll find a locksmith later."
"I'll find a locksmith later."
Watch this advert or choke to death 13 comments
· 7 years ago
A Red Lobster ad while choking on some fish bones.
How fucking perfect.
BTW, AdBlocker is a lifesaver.
How fucking perfect.
BTW, AdBlocker is a lifesaver.
There's definitely alien life 30 comments
bring it on!! hahaha 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Uuuggghh wtf, xDDD
That imagery is cringe level 101.
Just imagine walking in on someone squatting on a bed naked just staring you down like a deer in the headlights while shit drops from their asshole and makes uncomfortable noises~
That imagery is cringe level 101.
Just imagine walking in on someone squatting on a bed naked just staring you down like a deer in the headlights while shit drops from their asshole and makes uncomfortable noises~
.oh 2 comments
· 7 years ago
As a teen, I would hang around smart people who were older than me, because I felt most people my age at the time just weren't "on my level".
You can learn so much from older people, then by the time time you're their age, you'll be on a equal or higher level again and just keep snowballing that knowledge.
You can learn so much from older people, then by the time time you're their age, you'll be on a equal or higher level again and just keep snowballing that knowledge.
The correct way to escape a sinking car 27 comments
Anyone else? 6 comments
Hnnngg 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm gonna see that face with
in my nightmares tonight, and I'm a guy.
Thanks you.
Edited 7 years ago
in my nightmares tonight, and I'm a guy.
Thanks you.
Discovering a new fetish is always fun tbh 27 comments
Anyone else? 6 comments
Discovering a new fetish is always fun tbh 27 comments
· 7 years ago
I saw this one anime: Baka & Test and there is soo much blood bleeding through noses in a few episodes. I remember one where there was literally blood everywhere, like blood was shooting like fountains.
Found it:
Found it:
Let's not forget this very wise remark 32 comments
The claw chooses who will go and who will stay~