

Loves The Doctor, Sherlock, and Loki
And so much more, but there are way too many fandoms to keep track of
Someone please can we have an internet romance

— doctor_sherloki Report User
Deadpool this valentine's 7 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
Best way to advertise Deadpool by far
When someone calls you cute 9 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
They can also scream. It sounds like a young child and when bunnies scream, it means that they are deathly afraid. Happens maybe once in a bunnie's life
When someone calls you cute 9 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
See the post for my reaction
When someone calls you cute 9 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
Scarily accurate. Like, "wow you like my face?!" *squeee*
None of it! 11 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
Let's start from the very very beginning of that scene.
None of it! 11 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
Let's do this. Should we start from the beginning of the scene and totally overtake the commenuts on this post?
None of it! 11 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
Nice. I had that one memorized too :P
Corgi cats?! 23 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
Me too! I get called nugget and munchkin constantly!
Tell me I'm not the only one who would love this 2 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
All the yes!
better love story than Twilight 3 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
Everything deserves to be Shakespeare
3 · Edited 8 years ago
Corgi cats?! 23 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
Coincidentally, that's also what short-legged humans get called.
None of it! 11 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
"Oh Romeo, Romeo
Wherefore art thou Romeo
Deny thy father and refuse thy name
Or if thou wilt not
Be but sworn my love
And I'll no longer be a Capulet"
Transcribed from memory, you uncultured chicken potatoes
Day 422 of your daily dose of cute: Say what now 6 comments
doctor_sherloki · 8 years ago
Just came back to funsub after 6 or so months, warms my heart to see this is still going :)
17 comics in one drawing, can you find all? 18 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
What about Aquaman? Dat trident yo
Just asian thing 8 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
Saw this movie last night. It was great.
17 comics in one drawing, can you find all? 18 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
I could only think of 13 of them dammit
I really should 27 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
I really should 27 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
I should
Domestic violence 24 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
THIS is what we need feminism for. Not for privileged Amercian women who feel "oppressed" by seeing a man. This honestly breaks my heart and I pray that one day very soon these women will see justice.
Shippers be like. 22 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
*slowly claps*
Hey you! Yes you! 29 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
Thanks, I need this so much.
accurate 39 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
I read a ton of Marvel, and a lot of DC too. Haven't found any manga I'm oh so interested in yet.
accurate 39 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
Pretty sure there's manga.
accurate 39 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
accurate 39 comments
doctor_sherloki · 9 years ago
If you want a place to become obsessed with comics, I recommend view
But I warn you, once you go in, it's hard to come out.