User doge Banned
[email protected] 23 comments
· 10 years ago
[email protected] :(
Jennifer Lawrence is fat? Oh yeah? Can I be "fat" too 26 comments
· 10 years ago
I simply didn't want guests to see Jennifer Lawrence like this
Edited 10 years ago
Nobody suspects a thing 13 comments
And then they get a bad score and you feel like crying 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Well just because they can't do something, doesn't mean they don't know the how it's supposed to properly look. Plus, some of them are former Olympians. And they actually do take some non performance things into account. I found this out earlier today lol.
If you went later in round 1 and had to do your 2nd run in the early round, they're slightly less harsh on the judging (at least in the figure skating). And if the figure skaters do big twirls or spins in the 2nd half of the performance, the judges understand the legs are slightly more fatigued so won't be as harsh. But they're still Olympic judges and they will be strict
If you went later in round 1 and had to do your 2nd run in the early round, they're slightly less harsh on the judging (at least in the figure skating). And if the figure skaters do big twirls or spins in the 2nd half of the performance, the judges understand the legs are slightly more fatigued so won't be as harsh. But they're still Olympic judges and they will be strict
I like my hot tubs like my women 3 comments
Restroom with a breathtaking view 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Hey look, that cry baby I was arguing with earlier can finally breathe and relax cause there's some privacy in this toilet.
1337 3 comments
· 10 years ago
What do you think he did to earn all those medals?... Probably threw knife from cross the map
Bathrooms at the winter Olympics 16 comments
· 10 years ago
You're clearly missing the point. You expect them to just not even attempt to stop or slow down performance enhancers? That shows no power. It's the Olympics and they're trying to keep a standard. Plus they're world class athletes, and since I'm guessing you've never been part of a locker room, athletes doesn't care about walking around naked; they do it all the time in locker rooms.
Again, "let's stop searching people at airports because it surely won't stop terrorists". That's what you sound like.
Again, "let's stop searching people at airports because it surely won't stop terrorists". That's what you sound like.
Bathrooms at the winter Olympics 16 comments
· 10 years ago
They are trying the best they can to prevent any kind of unfair advantages. I as a travel athlete who dealt with drug tests and open stalls (no doors, but there were walls) know that it's not stupid. The fact that you're being a fucking ass makes you stupid by calling this stupid. The statement I and the guest made are clear as day.
What you're saying is basically like saying "it's stupid to search people at airports because terrorists are going to attack either way".
Congrats on getting me out of character, but don't give me sass
What you're saying is basically like saying "it's stupid to search people at airports because terrorists are going to attack either way".
Congrats on getting me out of character, but don't give me sass
Bathrooms at the winter Olympics 16 comments
Man's best friend 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Te second picture, the dogs snout looks like rhino
Eleventh picture, "senior year, they still don't know I'm a dog"
Sixteenth picture, DO IT!!!
Eleventh picture, "senior year, they still don't know I'm a dog"
Sixteenth picture, DO IT!!!
Creative desktop icon placing 10 comments
Anon texting his crush 9 comments
Pretty much all of us 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Me watching the Olympics: Oh wow! That was pretty neat!
Announcer: oh what a mistake! He must hate himself
Announcer: oh what a mistake! He must hate himself