A bio? A BIO? Do you really think I have something interesting to post? I spend my whole day on Funsubstance and you think I have an interesting bio to post!??!— MythicalBeast Report User
What's he gonna do with it? 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Right in the gut...
Can you spot the mistake? 204 comments
· 8 years ago
I was gonna say that he appears to be holding his phone vertical and his shadow shows horizontal, but then I realized his glasses reflection....
He's Going On An Adventure 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I watched the documentary and it was something that some penguins do. They become disoriented and then walk towards certain death, even if someone turns them around, they'll just keep walking that way
Ooga booga! 17 comments
Fishmouth syndrome 25 comments
Makes sense 10 comments
· 8 years ago
no because the baby is not masturbating or having sex? Am I missing something lol
Who else eats their burger and fries like this? 17 comments
Who else eats their burger and fries like this? 17 comments
I just skied for the first time for my birthday. Very fun! 27 comments
· 9 years ago
I went skiing for the first time a few weekends ago. I know what the pizza is, but what's the french fry?
I just skied for the first time for my birthday. Very fun! 27 comments
· 9 years ago
haha yep. Even the ski instructors call it the pizza instead of the snowplow
Put your best caption for this photo 37 comments
These are the stories I like to hear about 2 comments
Brace yourselves, feels are coming 31 comments
I, myself, play the piano... You? 114 comments
· 9 years ago
I can play The Hobbit shire song on my Irish Tin Whistle but that's about it.
Before and after pictures of the Animas River contamination 12 comments
· 9 years ago
The mine was most likely empty when abandoned because the workers working there wouldn't have been able to work in water. Water seeps through the rock and dirt and fills up the mine, not due to anyone's fault but because that's how it works. The fault lies with the contracting business that accidentally put the contaminated water into the tributary that leads into the Animas River.
Before and after pictures of the Animas River contamination 12 comments
· 9 years ago
the EPA had a little bit to do with it but it was mostly a contracting business that was in charge of taking care of it.
This is me omfg 4 comments
· 9 years ago
This happens to me a lot and my legs get really shaky but then it passes and I feel fine
Before and after pictures of the Animas River contamination 12 comments
· 9 years ago
A crew belonging to a contractor was draining the Gold King Mine of water that had been building up for many years. The water was contaminated with dangerous chemicals due to the water reacting with the iron in the mine. In simple terms, the crew poked a hole in the front of the mine and spilled thousands of gallons of toxic water.
I'm writing an 8-page research report on it right now actually XD
I'm writing an 8-page research report on it right now actually XD