
I'm not very interesting

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The definitive answer is "yes". 8 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
I followed soup for a long time but he stopped uploading and I’ve been upset since
Its not verified because nobody survived 10 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
Well you can pet any animal but how much depends on which animal
Oh Michael. Always the charmer 3 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
Yo who else excited for the new movie on the 19th???
Remember the good old days? 7 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
I have a friend whose rabbit looks like an angry old man
Cat with thumbs 1 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
My aunt has a cat with thumbs too! He’s also very fat but we love him
What's more frightening is if it came back without the knife 4 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
I love this gif more than I can explain
Sorry about the ribs though 24 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
I see what you mean, but thats just stooping to their level, and then you both look like assholes. I don’t agree with any of the decisions made personally
Sorry about the ribs though 24 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
As much as I don’t agree with the choice to skip the wedding, or the choice to have an abortion, it’s kinda a dick move to shove someone’s face in it after they politely said they would rather not go. It’s rude and I think they should get over themselves for their family, but that’s not exactly the response you should give if you’re trying to take the moral high ground like that
Corpus callosum- the large band of neural fibers connecting the two brain hemispheres 9 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
Fun fact: Sometimes as a cure for epileptic seizures this part of the brain is split. This allows you to receive information normally, but the two half’s of the brain cannot share the information. This effect makes patients who undergo certain tests unable to recall certain words or pictures that show up on a screen, however the part of their body controlled by the quiet part of the brain can write or draw the answer they claim to not know.
Love me 5 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
I mean, he’s not wrong
Policeman run and tackle skill level 1000 15 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
I’m very happy to see that people remember that video
Policeman run and tackle skill level 1000 15 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
Is that the new Dead By Daylight killer?
And can breathe underwater 3 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
This is the spur of my kabourophobia
Mac King and his Pet Guinea Pig, Colonel Sanders 4 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
I watched this video earlier today! He comes back out through his pants a few moments later.
Listen to Superman 9 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
There is an actual picture, but she started trying to remove most of her stuff after people began stalking and harassing her. Some reuploads can be found, however he original reddit is empty
Come here prick 8 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
I figured this out using my super duper detective skills looking at the direction the glass in breaking and where the pieces are located in relation to the window. Then someone just had a video and now I feel inferior
Coupons 10 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
Thank you
Coupons 10 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
I need the original photo for reasons
Space Marine Corps 17 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
I wanna see this thing in payday 2
Pls... No more 11 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
*cough*Fallout 76*cough*
She's got crabs 5 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
No it doesn’t! I have kabourophobia!!!! Jesus this is the gif of my nightmares!!!
· Edited 5 years ago
I m speechless 2 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
Very weak car, only has one horsepower
How we shake hands with our friends. 15 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
I think we can both agree that Trump has quite a mouth. As much as I like him so far we can stand together that he needs to shut up sometimes. And as for Russia, I’ve hated Putin for as long as I can remember really, but it’s best to try and avoid wars and other major conflicts, so keeping good relations with them is a step in the right direction imo. Maybe we disagree but at least we can be civil and kind about it.
How we shake hands with our friends. 15 comments
domoclan12 · 5 years ago
(My previous comment is not to offend anyone or start arguments, but to answer a question someone had genuinely asked)