If animal crossing was real life 4 comments
· 9 years ago
someone had a good time on a kids game ...
The face of my childhood 8 comments
· 9 years ago
im not sure if there was an original program (probably) but i remember him from wacky races :)
Here's some free nightmares for you 7 comments
Interesting 13 comments
· 9 years ago
i think the animals are meant to symbolise as follows:
sheep - followers who don't think for themselves
wolves - not valuing the people as anything but food (or like a source of income etc)
pigs - greedy
sheep - followers who don't think for themselves
wolves - not valuing the people as anything but food (or like a source of income etc)
pigs - greedy
Everyone hates England 38 comments
· 9 years ago
oh sorry i wasn't trying to be over serious i just feel a bit sorry for the guest :(
Pass me the organ (hue hue hue) 3 comments
Everyone hates England 38 comments
· 9 years ago
That was a few generations ago though and doesn't really reflect on the British people's character now tho? I wouldn't blame the whole of Germany for the actions of a few individuals?
Its what's on the inside that counts 10 comments
Its what's on the inside that counts 10 comments
Aren't I beautiful? 3 comments
Not sure if it's named Pluto because of that 6 comments
Go Away 7 comments
NASA, you need to explore this pronto 7 comments
· 9 years ago
it would take like 489759385789(many) years for the probe to reach and 1948109454 gallons of power on the probe and many many hours and hours spent formulating the necessary trajectory of the probe as well
Edited 9 years ago
ISS vs ISIS 16 comments
· 9 years ago
*documetary on humans* this piece of evidence is thought to contain one of the bits on intense stupidity that ultimately destroyed the human race
I'm not gonna lie; Giving out F's to these students is immensely satisfying 12 comments
· 9 years ago
in all fairness tho not everyone excels academically, and the sports teacher would never tell anyone to miss lessons bcus they have played bad