

why have abs when you can have kebabs

— me Report User
I can't wait for The Incredibles 2 5 comments
dontevenstart · 8 years ago
same, it's stunning
17 · Edited 8 years ago
Do any other places have these? 30 comments
dontevenstart · 8 years ago
they don't need one because all camera locations in England are public to everyone (they can't hide them so there is no use for a radar detector)
Wait for it 16 comments
dontevenstart · 8 years ago
ok well i'm sorry I'm not a "senior member" whatever that means, but i'm pretty sure i speak for the majority.
Imagine a school for fs users 40 comments
dontevenstart · 8 years ago
i'd have to be a time bender to take it back
Do any other places have these? 30 comments
dontevenstart · 8 years ago
In the UK some sat navs do this, like tom-toms
Wait for it 16 comments
dontevenstart · 8 years ago
how about don't comment on posts "repost!" or equivalent, because it's annoying, and almost always i've never seen it before
Imagine a school for fs users 40 comments
dontevenstart · 8 years ago
theres always a first time mi niegga
Imagine a school for fs users 40 comments
dontevenstart · 8 years ago
no it would be doge-ball
The antibiotic apocalypse explained 4 comments
dontevenstart · 8 years ago
is anyone else still confused why they are "making a super bug" ?????
What if parks had these 8 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
you'd get soaked getting on
"qualtiy service" 5 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
What happened at 3:00 on tuesday
What is the saddest short story? 93 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
What does that even meme, dude?
What is the saddest short story? 93 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
The wrong man died
Florida spring training: Man's quick reflexes saves oblivious kid from flying bat 13 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
I am aware of the English language, I just made a slip
Florida spring training: Man's quick reflexes saves oblivious kid from flying bat 13 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
but why was their a flying bat going towards the audience????
This is what design all about: Simplicity & functionality 4 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
it look like a lot of effort to put the toilet rolls on the holder tho???
I trust the Simpsons and that's why I'm nervous 13 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
anyone who writes paragraphs with an emoji every other word is untrustworthy
But I still have questions 10 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
it's like if boris went for prime minister and us brits just voted for him for the banter
I double dare you! 10 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
^I hope you didn't think anything else would happen
The cold hard truth 29 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
well probs the scientific evidence
They dropped these leaflets during the Japan bombing in WW2 20 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
But that's partly what i mean, it's sad it got so far that there was no other option but to use the bomb
Who's flat now? Hmm? Yeah that's what I thought. 9 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
I hate people who repeat something that has just been said
They dropped these leaflets during the Japan bombing in WW2 20 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
I'm sad that two were had to be used
I wanna live in Amsterdam but also in Rome but also in Madrid but whatever 13 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
or france, which has all of those things in a 5 mile radius pretty much everywhere if you sub the ocean for a large lake
loop-da-loop is such a weird word 13 comments
dontevenstart · 9 years ago
alright but the train is pretty pacy so I don't know how quick at maths u r but I'm not sure its going to help