

Music. Food. Sleep. Reading. And anime.

— Don'tWorryDarling Report User
He wouldn't have made it to the counter 13 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
Who wouldn't want to pick him up?
A letter from a father to his daughter 26 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
I tried so hard not to cry.
So this is creepy. 153 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
I feel like this could be turned into a creepypasta
Saddest moments in your childhood films 49 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
The feels are so strong. I thought I was going to make it, but then I saw Chucky just standing there....I cried so hard for at least a good 5 minutes remembering that whole scene.
Human zoo 100 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
I find all this to be amusing. Not the whole human zoo thing because that's the most horrible thing I have ever seen, but the fact that this guy "guest" is The Most Ignorant person I have ever seen. All these petty comments that I have read amused me because of stupid and ridiculous they were.
This is why i love her XD 9 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
Oh. My. Gosh.
Totally explains it. And I'm a girl.
Awesome room 7 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
*dreamy eyes* my lovely future house!
Although, I'm not to sure about all glass windows. Like what if one night you wake up and there's a face looking at you?
I think I'm catching the flu 26 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
I see no ring...
When when I'm woken up by noisy bastards in the street at 3 in the morning 4 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
But it also applies if you have those types of friends.
When when I'm woken up by noisy bastards in the street at 3 in the morning 4 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
This is everyday if you have younger siblings
When I try to get a job 6 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
As horrible this is, I couldn't help but laugh a little...does that make me a bad person?
· Edited 10 years ago
Alternative art 26 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
I love the fact that they added Soul and Maka from Soul Eater. My favorite anime
1 · Edited 10 years ago
Current mood 3 comments
dontworrydarling · 10 years ago
This cat represents everything I am