Magnus Anthun


Magnus Anthun Report User
Let's put this anti-vaccine crusade to an end once and for all 86 comments
dorkykong · 10 years ago
Maybe not a full murder-sentence, but they should be treated as accomplices to murder. Murder is when one person directly kills another. If a kid dies because of some disease, and it turns out that their parents were stupid enough to not vaccinate them against that particular disease, then those parents certainly helped with their kid's death.
The world is doomed 64 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
I don't mind the fifth one as much as the others. Horrible person, but at least she had the decency to abort the child.
"Bravery" 97 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
You can't directly do anything about it, that's true. There's no switch you can flick to disable it. There is something you can do, however. You can talk to them. It doesn't have to be about self-harm. It doesn't even have to be a serious talk. Just spend time with them. Never get angry or annoyed. Often one of the major reason for them cutting themselves is that they don't feel like they have friends, and don't want to make arrangements themselves because they feel like they're being annoying. Make arrangements yourself, and include them. Spend time with them on your own initiative. Make it hard for them to find opportunities to cut themselves, and try to make them forget that they're suicidal. Don't mention self-harm or suicide.
To the bad luck balding guy 15 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
The mustache is just the base. All beards need to contain one. It usually looks stupid by itself, but like the handlebars they look good if you're already a big manly man.
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
I disagree. It'd actually be best if we ignored you, truth be told.
To the bad luck balding guy 15 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
If possible, grow a beard as well. And not just a wimpy chin strap or soul patch or somthing similar. The bare minimum of facial hair is bushy moustache, and all types of beard should be extensions of said bushy moustache. Handlebars are dodgy, and should be avoided unless you really know what you're doing. Goatees are easy and awesome. Mutton chops can be difficult to get right, but they don't instantly make you look like a rapist if you mess up. Full beards are definitely the best, and should be somewhat bushy. Avoid anything without a bushy moustache unless you want to look like a douche.
Now we're equal 11 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
I agree with mythstory. Boobs are sensual, not sexual. Suits are our thing for everything. We only need a single suit for everything formal. Funeral coming up? Wear a suit. Wedding the day after? No problem, just wash the suit and it's good to go. It's your own wedding? Dude, just wash the suit and it's good to go. Dinner with your boss an our after you get home from the wedding? You know the drill. We only need one set of clothing for every formal event ever. It is also, however, the only formal outfit we have.
Women have a much wider choice in formal attire, which ranges from long wedding dresses to proper suits, with literally everything inbetween. Many of these show a little cleavage, but it shouldn't really be a problem as there's no innate sexual value in boobs. Just because they're called secondary sexual characteristics doesn't mean that they're sexual. They're just a sign that you're most likely looking at a woman and not a man.
So different, yet so similar 21 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
I guess what OP (and everyone else who partake in religious debates) means by Atheist is really Humanist (Atheists who not only don't believe that there's no higher power but specifically believe in the individual power of each and every one of us humans, hence the name). An Atheist simply doesn't believe that there's any higher power, so I understand why you'd disagree.
So different, yet so similar 21 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
Sooo, I take it you're "lost and in need of saving"?
"Bravery" 97 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
want2see: Your comment baffled me slightly. I guess I kind of agree with you in the sense that I too see self harm as less brave than going through the exact same thing without it, but the fact that you couldn't feel sorry for your best friend when she started hurting herself is just unbelievable. I find myself hoping that she "dumped" your arse, because how can you not feel sorry for her? When I found out that one of my best friends (yes, I have several best friends, you wanna fight about it?) was suicidal I almost panicked. She can be annoying at times, and sometimes I wonder if we're really close enough to be called best friends, but I love her and the thought of actually losing her forever was devastating to me.
I usually think of self harm and suicide as cowardly, but the thought of actually losing someone I love when I could do something about it was, as I said, devastating. How it wasn't devastating to you when your best friend said she was cutting herself is beyond me.
"Bravery" 97 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
I think it's a lot more understandable what you're doing jessylynn. At least, it's easier to understand than cutting with knives or razors. That said I still don't like the fact that you do it, and I sincerely hope that you manage to pull through without much more of it. One thing you could do is to practically live with your bf. He can stop you when you claw yourself. Though mainly and almost solely momentary, the help is instant. I would pray for you if I was religious, but since I'm a Humanist I'll do something better: I'll think about you, and from the deepest bottom of my heart I hope that you pull through whatever it is you're going through.
"Bravery" 97 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
If you have visible scars from self harm you're not any uglier than you were before, and anyone who thinks that aren't worth anyone else's time. They are a sign that you weren't completely strong enough to go through it all, though. There are examples of people who've gone through things that are as bad or worse without resorting to self harm, but just because they don't have scars they're not as brave as people with scars? I'd say people with scars are weaker than people who have gone through the same without scars.
"Bravery" 97 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
People romanticize anything. People romanticize pirates, simple outlaws who kill, rape, steal, destroy, and otherwise make life a living hell for anyone in their path. People romanticize the medieval, an age of war, disease, opression, segregation, severe economical or other inequality, etc. People romanticize everything and anything, so why stop at self harm?
"Bravery" 97 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
You're not wrong, you're just an asshole
"Bravery" 97 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
Self harm isn't bravery. This comment is going to be very blunt, and I'm sorry, but I just can't help it. I have a headache and a really annoying cough, so I just can't think of any other ways to say this at the present moment, but I've got to say it. Self harm is on the other side of the bravery spectrum. Real bravery is not resorting to self harm. Bravery is going through all that without giving in. Sorry to say it like this, but self harm is cowardly, and suicide is even more cowardly.
tumblr text posts xD 41 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
tumblr text posts xD 41 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
Air isn't a single gas. It's mainly made up of nitrogen and oxygen, both of which are odorless, tasteless, and colourless. The smell is provided by everything else around you in the area you're in, like the sea, or grass, or concrete.
This meme is great for putting things in perspective 55 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
I haven't read everything there is on the subject, but I seem to have heard somewhere that we're exposed to higher amounts of all the stuff that most vaccines contain (mercury, for instance) by just walking down the street. There is no way we can know for absolutely sure whether your sister's delayed development was caused by the vaccine or something else.
This meme is great for putting things in perspective 55 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
You forgot to mention that refusing to vaccinate your child is borderline child abuse.
I'm a Christian Catholic and even I agree that this makes sense 49 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
One of my friends (probably more, but one that I know of) is only Christian because she was raised to be so. She doesn't know what aspects she allegedly wouldn't have if she wasn't Christian. She only believes in God and Jesus and opposes any interference with pregnancy (be it abortion or stem cell research or you name it). If people eventually grew up to make up their own mind then why doesn't she know what she believes in and why?
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
crashbandicoot: So people should be forced to give birth to and raise a child with Down Syndrome if they didn't want to? Should the abortion be illegal if the child has Down Syndrome, but not elsewise? Your comment confuses me. I'm absolutely pro-abortion, but I'm a little confused as to what you're trying to say.
Apparently this opinion makes me some kind of monster 119 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
specialagentjesus: There's not a spectrum of Down's Syndrome. As saltlakesnark said, either you have it or you don't. Human beings are inherently different, which means most people live great lives while some don't. This isn't something special that only people with Down's Syndrome are. Now, about the abortion thing, I wouldn't want to raise a child with Down's Syndrome. I'd do it if I was forced to, but I wouldn't want to do it if I had a choice. This is my opinion, shared with the first guest (that's how I interpreted it, anyway). If I ever decide to get children I would have to adopt, and thus I get a greater choice and less of an ethical problem. I'm sorry that this sounds so blunt, but I would never adopt a child with severe diseases like Down's Syndrome or Alzheimer's Disease.
End the double standard! 26 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
I actually like men with big muscles, but not so much when they don't have any fat. They just seem fake then.
Equality my ass! I'm a girl and I can't stand feminists 52 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
The reason women earn less than men on average is that jobs that pay less (nurse, kindergarten teacher, maid, etc.) are mostly occupied by women, while the jobs that pay more (CEO or other "boss-type" jobs) are mostly occupied by men. There's no wage gap in the same job. Female teachers earn as much as male teachers. Female bankers earn as much as male bankers. Female police earn as much as male police. You get the point. The exact same job earns the same whether it's occupied by a man or a woman.
Using the Bible to start dumb arguments 33 comments
dorkykong · 11 years ago
emptyvoid: Do you mean the Old Testament? Cause I'm fairly sure many devoted Christians believe those scriptures.