ohh uh keep asking me! okay I'll tell you once more- p.sherman 42 wallaby way sydney- i never get tired of telling uh— dorycoralwoods Report User
Awww 8 comments
· 10 years ago
bibi and James awwww
There should be movie equals 14 comments
The coolest way to tie a tie: Eldredge knot 10 comments
· 10 years ago
i cant even tie a simple tie how would i manage this knot!??!.. i m failing at adulting
Cute :3 9 comments
A good book 7 comments
· 10 years ago
or because reading a good book is like ur mind having orgasms and so at the end uh get exhausted
can't read 17 comments
· 10 years ago
my question is how could he cut a perfect sized hole in a thick book???
Holly molly 11 comments
Rope jump & backflip 9 comments
It's time to give up 12 comments
· 10 years ago
then what if a couple has a son first and then a daughter, does it mean his willywang shrank?
What the hell happened?! 14 comments
· 10 years ago
i think what readmealullaby says is true that trends fade and they come n everyone dresses accd. to it but what has happened is that some parents have started making their 3-4 year old children dress up like they r 18 and this definately plays a toll on their minds as they have to worry about looking good ol the time and in this they have lost their childhood
Monica Lee Creates Stunning Photo-Realistic Drawings with Just a Pencil 5 comments
· 10 years ago
ahahaha! good one 69muz69.. can uh tell the story behind ur funsub name?
worth reading 8) 23 comments
· 10 years ago
i cant believe there are people like the girlfriend of this noble guy
Love life 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Im a girl and the guy I like(obsess over) has the same kinda family. His mother is a hottie renowned doctor, his sister is in college and was the most popular bitch in school, his ex is the current most popular bitch and I am the person who spends hours on the internet fussing and crying over the fact that there arent going to be anymore hp movies.
you go mariana!!!!! 12 comments
should we now??? 4 comments
· 10 years ago
watcha doin sweetheart? nothin mom just watchin pop-porns... sweety is that a hippy new show you're obsessing over? no mom....no......