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If don't agree with it then move on

If don't agree with it then move on

A crescent Earth seen by Apollo 12 astronauts on the way back home from landing on the

A crescent Earth seen by Apollo 12 astronauts on the way back home from landing on the

All about that treble, no bass

All about that treble, no bass

Not relatable

Not relatable

T'is better to annoy a thousand, to save a few

T'is better to annoy a thousand, to save a few

Don't say it

Don't say it

Identify the dinosaurs!

Identify the dinosaurs!

Daily Hubble photo. Day20. Hubble captures view of "Mystic Mountain"

Daily Hubble photo. Day20. Hubble captures view of "Mystic Mountain"

Rember happy day

Rember happy day

Runescape dump