Cruz is such a clown. 14 comments
· 3 years ago
A muppet got healthcare
Out of line but that kinda makes sense 3 comments
Call OWL for a hoot time 10 comments
Call OWL for a hoot time 10 comments
Use predictive speech to make a sentence 23 comments
Use predictive speech to make a sentence 23 comments
Call OWL for a hoot time 10 comments
Who is bored enough to think this up? 8 comments
Those who know shall not speak of it 3 comments
Is this actually a thing? 17 comments
The flayed lord 2 comments
I put a spell on you predictive text game 51 comments
I put a spell on you predictive text game 51 comments
Is it sexism if both sexes are sexualised? 15 comments