Outstanding move 10 comments
· 4 years ago
Next funsubber of animal crossing Tyler confirmed.
Funsubbers of animal crossing NSFW Edition Day 1 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Don't worry, you'll be done too. I'm not really doing any particular order. Just as the ideas come to me or as I get the required pieces.
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 4 15 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 4 15 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 4 part 2 3 comments
· 4 years ago
Ya'll get two today because we all need something to keep us sane during this quarantine.
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 4 part 2 3 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 4 15 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing NSFW Edition Day 1 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Stay tuned for your regularly scheduled Funsubbers of animal crossing.
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 3 14 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 3 14 comments
· 4 years ago
@jokur_and_batmon I didn't want you to be doing an inaccurate cosplay, so I worked really hard on this one. You'll find even the amount of buttons on the jacket is accurate if you care to compare it to a photo from the movie.
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 3 14 comments
· 4 years ago
I got lucky and when my able sisters shop opened for the first time today the red nose was for sale
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 3 14 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 3 14 comments
Life is supposed to be about more than work 2 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 2 17 comments
· 4 years ago
I was going to do yours as tomorrow's. I put a lot of work into it today, then I realized I was two pieces short for what I wanted to do, so it's on hold until I can get them.
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 2 17 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 2 17 comments
· 4 years ago
I have multiple people planned out or already in progress, I'm just missing certain pieces for them.
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 1 17 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 2 17 comments
· 4 years ago
This one was surprisingly hard for how simple it is. Making freckles that don't look like weird holes in your face is harder than you'd think.
This one was surprisingly hard for how simple it is. Making freckles that don't look like weird holes in your face is harder than you'd think.
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 1 17 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 1 17 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 1 17 comments
Funsubbers of animal crossing Day 1 17 comments
· 4 years ago
I need to start taking better quality pictures. You can't even see the blush I added to her face.