White and blue pencil on gray paper 3 comments
· 4 years ago
You did well on the right cloud its random and looks natural the others are slightly too uniform and rounded. However the work as a whole is beautiful!
Edited 4 years ago
*screams in STDs* 2 comments
Had to share the bad Sasuke 7 comments
Grateful 28 comments
Just started this new sustainable diet 3 comments
They did it Wuhan temporary hospital. 10 days challenge 4 comments
· 5 years ago
First off I was giving reference to the Xinjiang re-education camps, which are currently torturing the Uyghur people. Second I was trying to write "their" and couldn't care less if a word is grammatically correct.
Giant Moose Statue in Norway 4 comments
Me_irl.Jpg 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Mr fahrenheight what happens in pakistan stays in pakistan.we both know what will happen if the others find out!
This is Shudu, a very dark-skinned supermodel - please go to the comments 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Its scary how realistic CGI is getting with each coming year, like now even video evidence needs to be questioned due to stuff like deep fakes.
Outstanding move 5 comments
Outstanding move 5 comments
Ehemm 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Been there experienced that except my dad did the slapping and would ask why im crying immediately after slapping.
Aah yes! It's crazy how time flies 7 comments
· 5 years ago
I bet he found many more apples coming his way after his painful to learn discoveries.