Just like the good ol' days 7 comments
e · 3 years ago
I support this, and will personally buy front-row seats
Daily dose of bad wisdom #58 2 comments
e · 3 years ago
Sounds like an innuendo
Don't talk to anyone under the age of 18 2 comments
e · 3 years ago
Only a Sith deals in absolutes
Are we retarded? 4 comments
e · 3 years ago
Ha, as if any girl would want me
Smart 1 comments
e · 3 years ago
What a recent and relevant meme
Daily dose of bad wisdom #51 4 comments
e · 3 years ago
This is where the fun begins
This nibba eatin beans! 3 comments
e · 3 years ago
Very serious 4 comments
e · 3 years ago
Huh, what a strange and seemingly purposeless post. On a completely unrelated note, I'm suddenly feeling very horny
This is my doggo 3 comments
e · 3 years ago
Beautiful doggo
Life gave me onions 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
Onionade is the holy water used to baptize others in the name of our great lord Shrek
Daily dose of bad wisdom #48 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
Why not both?
Hmm 2 comments
e · 3 years ago
Men with hydroceles: "I've been looking forward to this"
Cursed Images Day 13 - Lasagna 2 comments
e · 3 years ago
Jokes on you, I'm into that shit
deeo 8 comments
e · 3 years ago
Am I the only one here with a shitty sense of smell?
Save the date 2 comments
e · 3 years ago
"Hey girl, do you want a stud in your life? Cuz I've got the STD, now all I need is the U"
Daily dose of bad wisdom #36 4 comments
e · 3 years ago
Understandable, have a nice day
Daily dose of bad wisdom #36 4 comments
e · 3 years ago
I hope her gag reflex isn't that bad... I just wanna get some of the good suck
Lemmy was a treasure 2 comments
e · 4 years ago
I would build legos and eat nutella 3 comments
e · 4 years ago
To be fair, it's actually a pretty good book
This is a waaa moment 3 comments
e · 4 years ago
edec 15 comments
e · 4 years ago
I'd honestly say that Rey does have pretty noticeable character development (kind of). She's introduced as this Mary Sue wish fulfillment Star Wars fan stand in in Episode 7, but that's subverted in Episode 8 when she realizes that Luke, the Jedi, her parents, and, by extension, her aren't anybody special. Her character arc is learning that life isn't nice and neat like the stories she was told. Episode 9 kind of undermined this theme, but one could argue that her arc in that movie was coming to terms with her feelings/inner darkness, which does kind of make sense in the context of Episode 8 destroying the illusion of the Jedi's greatness. I still wish that Episode 9 fit more coherently with the rest of the trilogy tho.
Let's play a game 7 comments
e · 4 years ago
I'm flattered
Public Castration is a Good Idea 8 comments
e · 4 years ago
Yeah, I could see that being a semi-effective deterrent. Idk if it would be constitutional under the 8th amendment tho
Anyone else? 2 comments
e · 4 years ago