This took ages to make 2 comments
e · 3 years ago
Not to mention that I'm pretty sure the likes on this site are inflated a bit
Enjoy the food 3 comments
e · 3 years ago
I never doubted you Jerome
South africa represent 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
One could argue Obama is more successful than Elon
I can’t even see you, brother 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
It is not immoral to hate kids. Morality is determined by action, not thought. If you hate kids in your thoughts, but do what is right from them through your actions, you are doing good. John Cena is doing the right thing by separating his actions from his feelings.
I can’t even see you, brother 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
It is not immoral to hate kids. Morality is determined by action, not thought. If you hate kids in your thoughts, but do what is right from them through your actions, you are doing good. John Cena is doing the right thing by separating his actions from his feelings.
rey 3 comments
e · 3 years ago
Honestly, I don't get all the Disney hate. TFA was competently made, TLJ was flawed but overall really interesting, Mandalorian is great, Rogue One was a cool new take on it, and I never saw Solo but I hear it's not terrible. RoTS was kinda bad, but that's about it. Rey honestly is an interesting character, maybe a bit too powerful for my taste but she really struggles with herself, especially in TLJ, so I wouldn't call her a Mary Sue. It kinda sucks they eliminated Legends, but they need to clean up their canon, and now they (mostly Filoni) are bringing back the interesting parts so it's honestly not that much of a loss.
I got 16 personalities but every one of them is an Emotional Mess 20 comments
e · 3 years ago
Very accurate meme, as an INTP I 100% would fuck a genderbent version of myself. At least there's still that one snapchat filter...
Stupid snobbish Jellyfish 4 comments
e · 3 years ago
10/10 would adopt
I love rock 2 comments
e · 3 years ago
Music Band
Really bad, haha 3 comments
e · 3 years ago
I obviously don't know everything about your situation, but it looks like they're trying, even if they don't completely understand it. Keep pushing, and remember that, know it or not, there are people who care about you.
Predictive Text Against Humanity (This is the Way the World Ends) 26 comments
e · 3 years ago
Not with a bang, but with you and your body.
I think I sexted a little bit too much in my last relationship...
Predictive Text Against Humanity (This is the Way the World Ends) 26 comments
e · 3 years ago
The right to lick?
Oh no not this again...
I was taking a poop at college only to glance up and see this watching me 1 comments
e · 3 years ago
Shrek is love, Shrek is life
Big gross 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
I wish that were me 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
Depends on whether you're wearing socks
I wish that were me 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
Now I gotta get a voodoo doll of myself
Jus ate some of the biggest ass blueberries of my life 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
Ass blueberries are my favorite kind
What if Bigfoot is in one? 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
What if Bigfoot is in one? 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
(Spaced out since URLs aren't allowed)
What if Bigfoot is in one? 5 comments
e · 3 years ago
h t t p s :// xkcd . c o m/1138/
They grow (up) so fast 10 comments
e · 3 years ago
I mean, if girls voluntarily suck dick it can't be that bad
Who's a good boy? 3 comments
e · 3 years ago
I don't agree with the vast majority of your comments, but 100% with you on this.
This is disturbing 3 comments
e · 3 years ago
Not my proudest fap
Just like the good ol' days 7 comments
e · 3 years ago
I think you mistook them for the Carolinas