Photoshopping Skeletor 5 comments
· 3 years ago
I think he has a funny bone in him
I wish I had these when my wife was pregnant 8 comments
Thunder is a bop tho 1 comments
· 4 years ago
I'm a bit of an Imagine Dragons apologist, but even I've got to admit that Thunder is the exact opposite of a bop
Have you thought about a masters program? 1 comments
· 4 years ago
Imagine getting a degree in Egyptology. You work so hard in school, only to realize that, in the real world, there's no demand for your job. So you climb the ladder of academia, get a PhD, and teach other people to learn Egyptology so they too will take the exact same path as you. In doing so, your Egyptology degree will become a pyramid scheme.
Damn, I'm gay. 10 comments
· 4 years ago
Honestly, if you think about it, women are feminine, and femininity is gay. Therefore, if you fuck a girl, you're saying you love femininity, which makes you gay. As such, the straightest thing to do is to only fuck guys
Jus as I hough hings couldn’ ge any worse 7 comments
Froggo Fun #404 - Error: Post Not Found 2 comments
Crowd saves would-be bridge jumper 4 comments
Speedrun challenge 4 comments
· 4 years ago
I'd say the sloth comes from the fact that it's "all you do," indicating you are very unproductive in your day to day life. I'm unsure about the pride tho.
Eat the... Whatever the hell that is 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Dry bugs are fine to eat, but they don't have the flavor or the nice meaty substance that wet bugs do. That's why we prefer them.
Eat the... Whatever the hell that is 5 comments
· 4 years ago
Dry bugs are fine to eat, but they don't have the flavor or the nice meaty substance that wet bugs do. That's why we prefer them.
The world is not ready for this amount of power 6 comments
· 4 years ago
Please post more content like this, I need some high quality fap material like this