

— el_berto01 Report User
Hi bears! 10 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
A bear would never wave at some one the bear would attack the person without hesitation. Bears a very vicious animals that kill anything they can eat. I feel upset because they should be in the wild, not in a confined space where they get drugged and abused.
Snoop Dogg Simulator 5 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
High school...
Hi bears! 10 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
Why am I getting down voted do you guys support animal cruelty?
Hi bears! 10 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
Poor bears theyre probably drugged and abused all day every day
Spike away 20 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
...And take an eye or two out all at the same time
Does she wanna know? 8 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
Does she wanna know? 8 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
NE 16 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
Who's with me 17 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
I do. Most of the girls in my school discust me by the way the act.
Well then! 58 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
Deep dark fear until now, who needs sleep anyways? 6 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
I have no clue.
Holy crap, one in a billion chance 8 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
In mid air.
Felt like a badass... for 5 seconds
Holy crap, one in a billion chance 8 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
My brother and I were having a nerf war. Two darts hit each other.
Deep dark fear until now, who needs sleep anyways? 6 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
Yeah at the end of the episode I was like " what just happened? " it was awesome!
Let's Play Who Had a Childhood 10 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
Except when all the other kids use it and you didn't get a turn
Somewhere in the river 17 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
All aboard the nope train.
Tickets are free
Not okay 24 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
I have an irrational fear 9 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
Me too
If you use Netflix.... 12 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
Science rules!
New MCR song 8 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
My Chemical romance has to write 'Gerard's blonde hair'
5 · Edited 9 years ago
Canadian news 7 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
Pretty much
Pizza Hut wants us to die so bad 33 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
Where can I get it
This tortoise has been alive for 183 years 13 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
I wish they could tell us what happened in those days.
Was cooking pasta when suddenly 15 comments
el_berto01 · 9 years ago
when suddenly it turned into a creepypasta