blink-182..green day..fall out boy..man overboard.. neck deep..the pretty reckless ♡
— eleanor Report User
eeveelutions 27 comments
I wasn't gonna do another one, but this is for all the FOB fans! 24 comments
· 10 years ago
omg you met patrick?????? youre so lucky
i saw them live but i'm so short i could barely see them D:
i saw them live but i'm so short i could barely see them D:
that's.. nice 8 comments
· 11 years ago
other than the top part of the dress, it's pretty good, or maybe they just focused more on including the divorce papers
that's.. nice 8 comments
· 11 years ago
but its a really clever idea and idk thats not really a part you focus on you focus on the rest of it
Making my way downtown 11 comments
when someone talks about your favourite thing 20 comments
· 11 years ago
john green is a good author, the fault in our stars is good!! and theres a film coming out this year
now that you mention it