I think the second one is the better deterrent. 43 comments
· 10 years ago
The problem has never been guns. Listen here. Don't fight to ban or not ban guns. Fight to make purchasing them harder. Stricter gun purchasing laws. There are background checks and mandatory wait periods to buy guns from authorized dealers. But to buy a gun from private seller to private buyer is so damn easy. No background check no wait periods nothing. It's so easy and quick you'd think they were buying any old thing off of craigslist. That's what really needs to be enforced and even then there still might be tragedies, but you aren't going to win banning guns we just need a deterrent.
You froggen s*xy 3 comments
I'd rather be told no than be ignored 4 comments
What do you think I should get? 1 comments
Different salaries 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Well you said it yourself right there. Results of your work. They work extremely hard. And the importance is defined by how many people find it of importance. A lot if people find it important. Just because it isn't to you doesn't make it so.
Different salaries 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Well if they are just kicking an inflated ball around the field. Then why don't you go ahead and do it yourself? The people who are pay that much are in perfect physical and mental fitness conditions. And honestly how long do their careers last? ten or fifteen years? Although it doesn't completely balance out, great players usually fade in obscurity.