We are not the best version of humanity 42 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually the first concentration camps in the 'modern' world were the ones that the British used to murder thousands of innocent Boer women & children during the Anglo-Boer war in 1900, but no one gets taught about the 1st one. The prisoners were fed crushed glass which was mixed into their food so that the internally bled to death. All this was just so that the British could own all the gold South Africa had. And the British wonder why so many countries still hate them. I think Queenie needs to apologize on behalf of her mother for the absolute disregard for basic human rights & for her mother for being a downright f*#cking twat! & I doubt that the queen at the time even felt 2 shits about what what she was allowing in one of her colonies, she was all too happy in her massive castle eating herself into her obese & gluttonous state!
To my fellow Aussies out there, have a good one! 10 comments
The future is not like what they expected 13 comments
· 9 years ago
That date has been photoshopped... I'm pretty sure that in the movie it was sometime in june or july...
Abandoned apartments 18 comments
· 9 years ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that was taken inside the Ponte Tower in Johannesburg, South Africa?
What do you think of netflix's new layout 8 comments
· 9 years ago
If South Africa had Netflix, I could let you know... But alas, we do not :(