Christian. Love video games. Do my best to help others in need.
— EmptyVoid Report User
Feels for guys everywhere 34 comments
· 10 years ago
hmm... true... true... But the fact that gamefreak/nintendo have yet to say that all are related still keeps me thinking they are not. Watch the last pokemon game come out and they say "yup, every theory of every pokemon you have ever made was true."
When you eat your favorite food 9 comments
Using the Bible to start dumb arguments 33 comments
· 10 years ago
Deadbird, the things like synthetic fibers, blended fabrics, and shellfish all came from the Hebrew scriptuers like justaguess says. These rules applied to certain people and some rules applied to certain genders of those groups. For any christian today if rules were not stated again in the new testament then they no longer apply. I can go in depth if you would like me to.
Edited 10 years ago
The way anxiety feels 9 comments
· 10 years ago
12:00- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:01- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:02- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:03- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:04- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:05- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:06- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:01- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:02- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:03- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:04- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:05- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
12:06- Oh no! There are holes in the bag and water is leaking!
Run Jen! Run as fast as you can! 4 comments
More like "A dash of awkward. Oops!" 28 comments
Tumblr after dark... 20 comments
The Simpsons 19 comments
Truth hurts 53 comments
· 10 years ago
What's wrong with trying to bridge science and religion? I think I know. You wouldn't have anything to argue over the internet with.
Clinging to the past? I remember the past being bloody murder between the two. I'm looking to the future.
Satan tricking you into loving your neighbor? Satan wants you to hate your neighbor, God wants you to love him. What kind of Christian are you?
Using the gays as my fabulous henchmen? How do I even do that? I wouldn't even know what to do with a henchmen. I'm a leader in three organizations and know what to do with the man power given to me but If I had a henchmen I would give him the least amount of work and repeat "thank you" every time he turns because I'm awkward that way. I give people who work for a cause greater than me orders. I don't like giving orders to people who work for me.
I will also be gone for a weekend retreat out in centerville, TX.
P.s. You still have not answered my questions about scripture and the pope.
Clinging to the past? I remember the past being bloody murder between the two. I'm looking to the future.
Satan tricking you into loving your neighbor? Satan wants you to hate your neighbor, God wants you to love him. What kind of Christian are you?
Using the gays as my fabulous henchmen? How do I even do that? I wouldn't even know what to do with a henchmen. I'm a leader in three organizations and know what to do with the man power given to me but If I had a henchmen I would give him the least amount of work and repeat "thank you" every time he turns because I'm awkward that way. I give people who work for a cause greater than me orders. I don't like giving orders to people who work for me.
I will also be gone for a weekend retreat out in centerville, TX.
P.s. You still have not answered my questions about scripture and the pope.
The mantis shrimp. 21 comments
The mantis shrimp. 21 comments
· 10 years ago
That's what vault-boy is looking at when he's checking the mushroom cloud. Why do you think he is smiling? "That is a fabulously looking mushroom."
Edited 10 years ago
Feels for guys everywhere 34 comments
· 10 years ago
Kangaskhan and chid. http://img.pokemondb.net/artwork/kangaskhan-mega.jpg
Marowak and child. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/189/4/0/marowak_and_cubone_base_by_riocari48-d6cmhxd.png
Kangaskhan is darker than marowak. There are theory's that Kangaskhan's child evolves into cubone which evolves into Marowak which evolves into Khangaskhan who dies and then the baby takes her skull and the cycle repeats.
Marowak and child. http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/189/4/0/marowak_and_cubone_base_by_riocari48-d6cmhxd.png
Kangaskhan is darker than marowak. There are theory's that Kangaskhan's child evolves into cubone which evolves into Marowak which evolves into Khangaskhan who dies and then the baby takes her skull and the cycle repeats.
The Simpsons 19 comments
· 10 years ago
My church once had a high school student who turned every song into a screamo, we had mortal kombat on the N64. We discuss Halo, COD, Gears of War, Horror games like Slender and Amnesia. We love books like Harry Potter, and Films like Back to the Future. Only a few churches are full of people like flanders.
The Simpsons 19 comments
· 10 years ago
I hope he knows that flanders is that super christian that you find on rare occasion.
Truth hurts 53 comments
· 10 years ago
-_- are we even arguing the orginal point anymore? Or are you just here for fun?
I mean is really that hard to use google? 5 comments
Such is life in Russia 12 comments
· 10 years ago
To America. https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQgn7hI6B1fza-7DVywseeXJEtftRFPGVfa_RswUAzj3t5JEcMa
Anyways. It sounds like your story had a good outcome (at least in my opinion) but you may not like the fact that you had to start over.
Edited 10 years ago
Anyways. It sounds like your story had a good outcome (at least in my opinion) but you may not like the fact that you had to start over.
p*rn from UK *SFW* 23 comments
Bill Nye on HBO 7 comments
P.s. If anyone can correct this that would be great. I'm going off really bad memory of biology in high school.