Sup, Im EquestrianLove18, i get my name because I ride horses. I do jumping and dressage.
I live in America and proud of it. Peace Out!
Try this? 217 comments
· 10 years ago
It is embarrassing how easily embarrassed I am, but this incident was intolerable,especially given the subject matter.
I prefer the knife 6 comments
· 10 years ago
ahahahahahahaha omg Im trying to laugh quietly cuz my bf is sleeping..it didnt work..i woke him up hahahahahaha
It was a bumpy ride 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Sorry but..I bet hitting a big bump (you know the ones that catapult the bike too hard I'm your area) or falling off the bike would not feel too good lol
The next human evolution 34 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm trying to find a translator for this so i can figure out what it says but i guess my computer cant translate stupid...Guess I'll never know what is going on
If Slash was a horse 11 comments
· 10 years ago
haha oh yes, there are many of us. I own horses so whenever I see a horse post im like OMG!!
If Slash was a horse 11 comments
Robbin williams quotes 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm reading this and I can hear his voice saying them in my head. R.I.P Robin Williams :(
I hate wehn thes happins 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Just saying, i never really understood how this stuff happens. I have a tattoo and I know many people with tattoos. You are able to SEE the tattoo design stencil on you BEFORE they tattoo it on you, they have to show you what it will look like. So,prob gunna get down voted for this but idgaf, its kinda your own fault if a tattoo has bad spelling and other stuff wrong with it cuz if you don't spot the mistake when they SHOW YOU what it'll look like,youre a dumbass
Tumblr 61 comments
· 10 years ago
I had to do it every day from Pre-k to the end of high school..merrr
Body Art 6 comments
· 10 years ago
it honestly took me a second to see the person,thats really cool!
Air force k-9 dog 16 comments
· 10 years ago
The temptation and struggle is real. I would end up getting my hand bitten off because I would keep reaching over to pet it and it'd keep biting me hahaha, so cute! <3 and the dog deserves his own seat for what he does!
I love this man so much 7 comments
Ribcage 5 comments
To Censor Or Not To Censor? 23 comments
· 10 years ago
hahahaha omg I just busted out laughing and my mom came walking into the room and she was like "whats so funny" and I was like
"what a nice,safe boob" and she just stared at me, shook her head in disappointment and walked out
"what a nice,safe boob" and she just stared at me, shook her head in disappointment and walked out
That's interesting training 25 comments
· 10 years ago
It looks like human bowling..only the pins get so scared they jump away..
Looks difficult, Id be the one that gets hit cuz I'd be too lazy to try and dodge the guy rolling
Looks difficult, Id be the one that gets hit cuz I'd be too lazy to try and dodge the guy rolling
My power: Black magic 110 comments
I googled; "The weirdiest thing on the internet" 19 comments
That is one huge afro 14 comments
Hockey fans 20 comments
· 11 years ago
Im so going to do this one day during one of my boyfriends hockey games hhahahhaa
Impress a lady 2 comments