Sup, Im EquestrianLove18, i get my name because I ride horses. I do jumping and dressage.
I live in America and proud of it. Peace Out!
Has anyone seen my cat? 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Instead of Where's Waldo it could be Where's Whiskers, I'm sure people would buy it
How I feel when I get a migraine 14 comments
How I feel when I get a migraine 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Me too, we learned that the hot tub is a major trigger for my migraines. I've been in the ER too many times to count. Its terrible
How I feel when I get a migraine 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I know that feeling. I've been on like 10 different medications to try and help them but nothing has worked. If you drink coffee then take medicine and drink a cup of caffeinated coffee that may help you..Just saying..I know exactly how you feel.
This is a cool picture though, the person who did this is very artistic.
This is a cool picture though, the person who did this is very artistic.
Has anyone seen my cat? 11 comments
· 10 years ago
...Nice rooms I guess but no I havent seen your cats..
On a serious note though it took me like 5 minutes to find the cat in the second to last picture
On a serious note though it took me like 5 minutes to find the cat in the second to last picture
Butt-face 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree completely, unless for medical reasons it should not be done. Same with cutting the ears like on dobermans
He was around 6600lb and 6foot 6inches (172 bananas) 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Its from what's called the withers down to the ground that they measure them. The withers are the bone right at the end of the neck that goes to their back. Belgians, Clydesdales and Shires are the main draft horses that get pretty giant. The weight varies on how much they eat or are worked. This horse I can tell you is not as heavy as it says due to the horses height. The horse in this picture is about 3200 pounds and its probably mostly muscle :)
BTW for nonhorsey people, 1 hand = 4 inches
Edited 10 years ago
BTW for nonhorsey people, 1 hand = 4 inches
The truth about shorts 1 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree with this completely, or we wear sky blue pants... Anything light colored lol
The cat undoubtedly hated it. It's wearing an expression of bitter 11 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm sorry..I don't find this cute at all..Poor thing looks so sad now. I agree with sugarmice, you should only shave an animal for medical purposes. Other than that they are beautiful how they are and do not need to be shaved for 'decoration' or 'just for fun' purposes..
It's All About The Same 27 comments
· 10 years ago
I didnt say that this isn't what country songs are about. I know its about chicks,trucks and beer. But I disagree with the fact that everyone complains so much that country music is about this stuff but they are all ok with how other genres portray things. You dont see posts about anti-genres that talk about getting away with murder, or the ones that talk about how chicks are only for sex, or the ones that say self harm is ok. I've always only seen anti-country cuz "Its way too much alike and too lovey" I dont care what you listen too or what your choice is, I listen to a mix of everything to be honest. These people obviously don't respect peoples music choice when they post so many anti-this things about it.
It's All About The Same 27 comments
· 10 years ago
I'd way rather this than rap which is about sex,drugs and girls being nothing but sluts..At least in country music it isn't really downing anyone and if sex is included its not out right stated. Rap and stuff where it's all about "im better than you" and "This chick is my whore" drives me insane..sorry..
aw sweet 43 comments
· 10 years ago
Awww this picture makes me happy. Its so sweet and cute,I love it <3
Sorry for the feels, but I had to share. He lived a full life without limbs. 21 comments
· 10 years ago
I really want to meet him. He is such an inspiration to everyone and I love watching his videos.
I found this picture on the Internet 4 comments
· 10 years ago
To be honest i think its a cute idea if you're doing work outside or something and there is no where else to put a swing. But i sure hope no one gets in the truck and tries to leave without realizing the baby is there considering people can be that oblivious to that kind of stuff.
As an adult, I need this in meetings! 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Awesome idea!! Though I feel like I'd be the kid wanting to pretend we were in a bike race and get distracted...but on a serious note I wish this was in more schools. Genius idea!
Do not disagree with tumblr 7 comments
He was around 6600lb and 6foot 6inches (172 bananas) 11 comments
· 10 years ago
The largest horse in the world now is 20hh (6ft 10)and he is i believe 2600lbs. His name is Big Jake
The horse in this picture was actually 19.1hh and weight 3200lbs...
just saying
Edited 10 years ago
The horse in this picture was actually 19.1hh and weight 3200lbs...
just saying
Clever cup design 17 comments
· 10 years ago
For a second I thought that was a design on the cup meant to drive people nuts thinking their drink is always spilling Lol
Good question 5 comments
· 10 years ago
How much would it have sucked if at the end of the movie a person sees them floating in the bags and picks them up "free fish!" and took them home for their tank thinking someone bought them then threw them out...
Riding on this road in Bolgheri (Italy) must be fun! 2 comments
· 10 years ago
Up..up..almost there...WHEEEEEEE....up...up ALMOST THERE..WHEEEEEEEEEE!!
This horse's clip job 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I absolutely love this! Such a gorgeous horse and the person who clipped him deserves an award. Love this!!
I decided to give it a try 133 comments
· 10 years ago
"Oh god those horrible men,she wanted to scratch their eyes out, to wrap her hands around their throats"
Sounds about right haha
Sounds about right haha